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I stared at him, he was pretty tall and intimidating.

Bloodfall looked over to Frisk "Come with me. I'll show you to my.......shelter." He said. Jesus, did he not want to call his shithole home? Well I wouldn't call this place home either. What baffles me is the fact that he's being nice! I thought this guy KILLED people!

I grudgingly followed them. This was WAY too easy! He's got to be up to something. I noticed that Undyne was also unimpressed about how fast Bloodfall accepted the mercy.

We arrived at the edge of where Undyne had broke the bridge. There was so much trash that it made a huge hill going down. The trash even clogged the water!

Without any hesitation , the suspicious skeleton slid down the hill with ease. Okay, so I GUESS that impressed me....

We all followed him, me and Frisk had hell of a time not to slip and crash all the way down. Undyne just jumped down. Showoff.

We walked to some sort of shelter. It was a small den made out of old furniture, tents and towels. We entered to see a fissure in the wall. A mattress was in the crevice. Well this had to be the place where he calls home.

"This is my shelter as you've most likely thought by now. Enough of that, you wanted to talk......

Speak." Bloodfall said, man his voice sounds cold and what I'm about to say is probably my hallucinations acting up....but I swear that I heard this voice before...but I know a lot of skeletons with a similar accent. Also, where have I seen that hoodie? Its making me think that I know someone like that....who wears hoodies and has an accent? Can't be Paps, a) he's dead, and b) he isn't a huge fan of hoodies.

Frisk looked at Bloodfall and nodded. I'm still amazed on how oblivious Frisk is with this shit. No one accepts mercy that quick. "Well we have a few questions. Sorry in advance if I offended you with any question." Frisk started "First question.....did you.....did you kill Papyrus?"

Bloodfall's eyes suddenly flashed, my guard went up very fast. I calmed down a little when Bloodfall eased down "So the Flower had been going around, framing me for something that I didn't do...."

"Wait, so you DIDN'T kill Papyrus?!?" Undyne said in shock. I was also surprised, had we come here for nothing?

"No. The rockfall was from a small earthquake. Your friend's death was not my doing. Any other questions?"

Frisk sighed in relief "This next question is a stupid one. Why? Why do you kill?" He asked. Why the fuck would you ask that Kid?!?

Oddly enough, Bloodfall answered "Believe me, I did not intend to hurt anyone at first. Until Flowey started framing me. People came in here JUST to kill me at first. They destroyed any food or water source by putting rubble into water and burning the plants. They eventually started to attack me. Out of self defence, I killed them. Since even if I had won the battle, they would just come back. More came, killed them too. I eventually started suffering in this place. Low food, low water, everyone wants you dead. I could have left this place, but I knew that I would get hunted down out there. So, I killed anyone who trespass. Ate when I was hungry. Drank blood when there was no water to drink. As long as I'm suffering down here, everyone who enters the Underground once again will suffer with me." He explained.

I.......I never thought of it that way.....Frisk did say it earlier today that Bloodfall might have been suffering. I mean, I kind of get his motives now....I wanted Frisk to suffer since he made me suffer. It's no different with Bloodfall. "Bloodfall listen, let everyone pass....then we can give you the entire underground. We can plant food for ya, you'll have fresh water....wouldn't that be the best idea?" I suggested. I didn't have any quarrel with Bloodfall now. If he didn't kill Papyrus, then we can at least help him so the killing stops.

"You're quick on forgiving, last time I checked, you wanted my bony throat." He remarked.

"I'd only kill you if you killed my brother. Plus, I know that people can do good if they try. Frisk here did bad things, yet he's set monsters free."

The kid's eyes lit up "Sans...."

"Very well," Bloodfall said "I'll let everyone pass, as long as you keep this deal. Or else I'll hunt you down."

What a bitter end, well I guess that he's kind of suspicious about my deal.

"It's getting late. You should rest here for the night. Don't worry, I won't kill you in your sleep. Once you wake up next morning, head back to Snowdin and get everyone there to pass through Waterfall." Bloodfall advised "if you don't see me next morning, don't look for me. I'm just gone to hiding."

We all agreed as Bloodfall got us some extra mattresses. He's kind of nice? No, he's polite. He knows that he won't hurt us until we attack him. I sat on my mattress, it was kind of uncomfortable...but I didn't complain. Undyne and Frisk also prepared themselves for bed. It was kind of a roller coaster of events today. To think it started with me having an episode...

"Bloodfall? Can I ask you one last question?" Frisk asked. What did he want now?

"What?" Bloodfall asked, his blue eyes staring into Frisk's soul.

"I hate to ask.......but why are you hiding your face?"

Bloodfall was quiet, Frisk! You better not have fucked up!

I calmed down as he gave the same stare as before.

".....because there'd be nowhere for me to hide if I showed my face." Bloodfall finally answered as he left the den.

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