It can't be...

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No......nonononononono! This can't be real! I'm hallucinating! I HAD to be! Papyrus CAN'T be Bloodfall! He's too innocent to do such horrible things, yet alone kill someone! Frisk! Undyne! Please! Tell me that I'm hallucinating! I need to wake up from this nightmare!

It was no use, the two of them looked like I wasn't hallucinating. Their shock and horror on their faces that I wasn't seeing things. Tears streamed on my face "Papyrus......" I felt my rage eye jump to level eight. I did had the suspicion that Bloodfall might have been lying...but now I know that Bloodfall didn't kill Papyrus. He IS Papyrus....


(Bloodfall's POV, also in 1rst person)

I hissed at the god damn flower. He just took my hood off! I glare at him with my intense blue eyes, his face of hatred went into horror. He knows what's gonna happen now.

" hard feelings.....right Papyrus? I mean, without'd be dead in that rubble!" Flowey said, his stupid Asriel face showing "Please....don't kill me!"

"After what you've done to me?!? Turn me into a soulless husk like you, then try to use me for your revenge! I think that you'd be better off dead!" I hissed as I slashed him in two with my bone attack. He made a small shriek, then died. Serves him right!

I locked my eyes onto the ghost named Chara. I remember seeing those eyes on Frisk when I was still a retarded goodie two-shoes. Yeah, I know of the resets, the lack of a soul and the use of determination works.

"So.....Papyrus....or was it Bloodfall? I like Bloodfall better, suits you." Chara squawked "You are a toughie. Quite the improvement from Papyrus. Too bad that you're a threat to me."

"Want a fight? I'll show you a fight!" I challenged. I'm not letting a deceased bitch get in my way! I shot some bone attacks as I changed the remains of her soul blue. No point in restricting my attacks now.

She managed to dodge as she swiped at me with her knife. I dodged easily, I'm much faster than my old self, she needs to be faster than that! I then shot more bones and even some Gaster blasters. She was hit by a blaster, but still stood strong.

The battle raged on, she got a few hits on me, but I shrugged them off. I managed to knock her on the ground. I grinned "You know. At least Flowey had good in him. You? Well you should go to hell after your deeds!" I hissed, then I impaled her with a bone attack. I left her to die, my job is done here.

I pulled up my hood, then started to walk back. I then noticed the three that were once my allies. Of course they'd show up. Sans gave me a look of despair, I could tell that he can't believe who I really was under the hood. In fact, all of them looked like they were in dismay. No point in pulling the 'not Papyrus' voice, they probably saw my gray, cracked skull and soulless eyes.


I looked at Papyrus, I hoped to see if there was any part of him left. I couldn't see nothing "Papyrus......" That was all I was able to say. I just couldn't get myself to speak to him. He didn't even reply to me as Undyne threw a spear at him, he dodged with incredible speed. Wow, I wonder where he got all that speed.

"YOU! You disgusting prick! We all GRIEVED for you! We thought you were dead! But instead of coming to us, you killed innocent people! You caused your Brother to start to go insane!" Undyne snapped at him.

Papyrus grabbed her once she tried to punch him, then threw her away "And killing me is gonna make things better?" My bro challenged. He was using his real voice didn't fit his feelingless personality....

Undyne threw more spears at him, he dodged easily, then shot bones at her, hitting her. Man, he hits hard.....but Undyne didn't give up. The battle was one sided, Paps just got every hit in as Undyne couldn't land a single hit! Undyne soon dropped once her HP had dropped to one. She was exhausted.

I saw that Paps was about to give a finishing blow, but then jumped to the side as Frisk swiped Chara's knife at him. Was he fighting now?!?


Frisk had to act as he took Chara's knife. Oddly enough, Chara's soul didn't fade away. That's what spirits are supposed to do.

Frisk swung at Papyrus, to save Undyne. Sans acted fast as he dragged Undyne to Safety. He returned soon after.

The battle was just as hard, if not harder than Sans' battle. When he tried to act, Papyrus chose to ignore it and attack. Frisk missed every attack that he swung at Papyrus, he was just too fast!

Papyrus then shot a Gaster Blaster, then shot bones. They all made contact, the bones making cuts into the young boy's flesh. He had a bad cut on his cheek. He dropped to the ground. Had he really lost this battle?

He then saw Papyrus dodge a Gaster Blaster.



I had to protect the kid! I stood before my brother. I HAD to get him to come to his senses! "Papyrus! If you wanna fight, then fight me! I'm your enemy!"

"Fine by me." He said coldly as he shot bones at me. I dodged them, he's not the only one who can dodge!

I shot bones at him, he dodged it with ease. I couldn't throw him around with my gravity attack since he lacks a soul. So I had to talk to him. "Paps! You need to snap out of it! You're angry and you're suffering!"

"That's the flower's fault! He's been taken care of!" He hissed as me as he shot bones, I dodged.

"No! It's MY fault! I made you go to your own death! I'm responsible! I'm sorry!" I burst into tears "I.....I'm sorry........."

His eyes glowed "you're right. It is your fault! I might as well put you out of your insane misery!" He said as he pointed a blaster at me.

"PAPYRUS!" I screamed as he shot the blaster at my feet, it barely missed but I was sent flying from the blast.

I fell to the ground as Paps slashed my left eye, I managed to move fast enough to avoid getting blind in that eye. I looked up to see him prepare the death blow. Everything around me went blank, I closed my eyes, bracing for death to greet me.

I then heard a slash......

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