14 | Only A Monster Will Remain

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A blonde child runs through the woods, her long hair flowing behind her. Giggles escape her mouth as she glances behind her. Though the woods are dark, the child seems at home as she runs.

"You cannot catch me, Elijah!" She yells back, seeing the outline of the teenager chasing her.

"You are getting faster," Elijah admits. "But you are not yet fast enough."

His eyes follow the blonde hair as it darts between the trees. His feet seem to avoid every obstacle in the way— rocks, branches, etc. He knows the woods like the back of his hand. He never feels in danger in here. Except on a full moon.

Her laughter keeps him moving. It's the only thing he can hear in the dark forest. No birds or rivers, only the sound of his little sister laughing.

The laughs turn into one scream.

Elijah pauses, realizing he couldn't see his sister. That he couldn't hear her laugh or see her blonde hair braided by Rebekah.

All he can hear is the shrill sound of Lexi's fear. When it dies down, Elijah can't hear anything. Not Lexi, not the birds, not the waters. Only silence.

"Elijah!" Lexi screams, her voice filled with fear. 

Alexis!" Elijah pumps his legs, trying to find the terrified whimpers escaping Lexi's lips. 

"Elijah!" Her voice breaks.

Elijah's breath comes out quickly and almost stops altogether when he finally reaches a clearing. Lexi looks back, terror in her eyes.

She is on the ground, her leg twisted in an awkward way. She bites her lips to keep the tears gathered in her eyes instead of rolling down her cheeks. She knows that she can't cry. Mikael had drilled that into all of his children's heads. Never cry. Ever.

Elijah lets out a sigh of relief, kneeling down next to her. "It's ok, Alexis. I'm here." He soothes, kissing her forehead gently. "You're safe."

At that, she frantically shakes her head, scooting into his arms. He looks down in confusion, surprised to find the fear still evident in her eyes.

"There you are," Elijah's head snaps up to find the owner of the voice. There, in front of him, stands a blonde woman and a tall man, both covered in blood. The man and woman are shrouded in shadow, their identities hidden.

Lexi whimpers more as Elijah holds her protectively. He hides his fear, like a good brother and Viking son, but the strangers can see through it.

The woman steps forward, her blue eyes piercing his soul. She kneels down next to them, her eyes on Lexi before darting up to Elijah. Her hand comes up, her fingers running through Elijah's hair. "Don't you understand?" The man asks as the woman turns back to Lexi, admiring the way she clings to her older brother.

"One day," The woman says, "Only a monster will remain."

The woman's blue eyes are replaced with red. Fangs pop out of her mouth and she isn't afraid to show them off.

Elijah starts to pant in fear. His eyes glance at the man to find his eyes blood red with veins on his cheeks.

The moment Lexi finds the red eyes of her future, she screams. She kicks out with her good leg, throwing the woman off.

This gives Elijah time to get Lexi on her feet and run.

Within seconds, Lexi falls to the ground again. A cry of pain escapes her lips as her leg twists painfully.

Elijah acts quickly and gets her on his back. Once secured, he glances back to see the two strangers staring at him. Their monstrous faces prompt him to not only run but sprint away, trying to find help.


Elijah and Lexi lie in bed, both still asleep. Klaus sits at their bedside, thinking of what to do. Never had he been completely alone. He always made sure he had someone. Whether it was one of his siblings, Marcel, or even a lover. Someone always had his back even if he didn't have theirs.

And now, as his eyes look at Lexi's head resting on Elijah's shoulder as they sleep, he feels more alone than ever.

Both Lexi and Elijah have peaceful expressions on their faces, however, they are anything but. A thin layer of sweat coats their foreheads and their breathing is labored. As if they are running.

"I know you are locked in battle," Klaus whispers, leaning over Lexi. "However deep in your mind our mother has set the stage. Hear my voice. Our mother thinks she will win because she has left you alone, but you are not alone. Let me in."

He cautiously places his hands on each of his siblings' heads. Both of them tense under his fingers before their muscles start to spasm uncontrollably. "Let me help end whatever torment she has forced upon you." Klaus grits his teeth, trying to enter their minds.

His nose begins to bleed as glimpses of dreams come to his mind. Blood seems to cover everything. He groans before his pain ends suddenly.

Klaus is practically ripped off of his siblings by Hayley and Derek. Perhaps they were bonding over their shared confusing feelings towards the sleeping Mikaelsons. Who knows?

"What are you doing?" Hayley demands. Derek looks back to find both Lexi and Elijah relaxed and in no way disturbed.

Klaus quickly wipes the blood from his nose. "I'm trying to enter their thoughts to wake them." He shakes his head, gesturing to them. "Esther's locked me out."

That's when Derek notices something on Lexi's neck. He narrows his eyes, moving her hair to reveal another angry looking bruise. He growls under his breath, shaking his head. "This wasn't here before," he tells them.

Hayley frowns, going to Elijah and moving his head to expose his neck. She finds the same rash. "Is this a side effect of the witchy acid trip they're on?" She asks, anger in her voice.

Klaus' eyes are glued to the rash, his eyes holding understanding. "I haven't seen this since I was a child. Mikael would return home from battle more blindly temperamental than usual, and our mother would use the petals of a rare merlock orchid to put him to sleep. She would mend his mind with a spell, and then wake him with the roots of the same plant." He looks up to the wolves, a determined expression on his face. "If she has access to it now, then maybe it also grows in the Bayou. You stay here with your wolves and mind the fort."

"I'd so much rather just rip your mom's head off." Hayley rolls her eyes.

"I'd gladly join," Derek adds, getting Hayley to smirk.

"Stay clear of her," Klaus orders. Both wolves just scoff. "I mean it." He looks at Hayley. "She's already got to you once. What would happen if Elijah were to wake and find you a victim of her madness? And, you," Klaus turns to Derek. "What if Lexi wakes to find you dead as a message to her?"

Derek glances back at Lexi, his green eyes studying her expression. "We won't go after her," Hayley sighs. "I promise."

Derek looks at her, an angry expression covering his features. Klaus hesitates for a moment before turning and leaving.

Once Derek makes sure Klaus is out of ear shot, he turns on Hayley as fast as Lexi had turned on her before. "Are you serious? We can't just let that witch walk around!"

"Derek, I've learned a few things about the Mikaelsons," Hayley says, a smirk on her lips. "Specifically about Esther. We won't go after her. We'll go after everything she loves."

So, someone's upset that Lexi's hurt... I wander why...

Opinions? Thoughts? Hope you enjoyed!

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