chapter 5

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I woke up with a massive headache. I hate drama. If we never came here, the boys would never find me attractive, and I wouldn't be in this mess. I just want to go home. I literally have no friends here, and I sure as heck don't want to be friends with...them.*barf inside.*

"Anne, I'm going for a walk, Be home soon!" i said as I walked into the kitchen.

"Now Kate please be safe, Take Harry or one of the boys to go with you." She said."And how was dinner last night?"

"Can I please go alone? And it was good." I lied.

"You don't know your way around yet. Please take someone with you. and I'm glad you enjoyed yourself, i told you it wouldn't be that bad." She said. 

"Please, I like to have some space sometimes and have a break from people." I said.

"Well I am not letting a 16 year old waking the streets of London by herself the 2nd day we are hear. No way. I'll get Harry to walk with you." she said.

"No, I can get it. I understand." I said and rolled my eyes.

I leave and go up to their loft, which is huge by the way. I knock but nobody answers. "HARRRRRRRYYYYYY" I scream. He comes to the door...with no clothes nothing covering him.I slam the door in his face and tell him to cover up. He puts on some boxers and opens the door back up."Did yo really just open the door with no clothes on? What if it was a fan or something?" 

"Yeah I did.Sorry bout it, you woke me up and I don't sleep in clothes and I'm going back to sleep so whatever." He said. "I'm sorry again about the twit cam. But I'm not about dinner, we aren't changing for you or who you think we are. So what are you doing here at 8:00 AM anyways?" 

"I'm going for a walk and I'm not allowed to go alone so which one of your friends is gonna accomapny me?" I asked avoiding the last night subject.

"I don't care you pick." he said. 

"hmmm, okay I pick Zayn." I said. Maybe I can handle him, maybe.

"ZAYN WAKE UP! YOU ARE TAKING PRINCESS FOR A WALK!" Harry yelled. It woke up everyone. They all came walking in with a little clothing on. Thos bodies...dang. But then I remember the personalities.

"Hey Kate." They all said. I was about to say hey and act friendly but then I remembered last night. 

"Anne says I can't go on a walk by myself, so Zayn will you go with me? And I'm very mad at every single one of you." I said.

"Ooooh get it Dj Malik." Louis said slapping Zayn's butt. Wow for the oldest he is the least mature by far.

"Why not me?" Liam asked."Too much for you to handle?" The other guys all laughed.

"You know what, I don't think I want to go anymore. I'm going home to twitter to tweet about this "play" thanks though." I said.

"You watched it?" Niall asked.

"No but people tell me whats going you know I'm going to tell everyone you weren't acting. See you later, Maybe tonight I will be in the next twit cam, not the subject of it." I said. I started walking out the door.

"Wait Kate, I don't know about everyone else but I feel genuially bad, about everything." Niall said to me stopping me.

"So do I." Zayn said.

"Me too." Louis and Liam said at the same time.

"Kate, can I take you on the walk, we really need to talk, please brother to sister?" Harry asked.

"I don't trust you alone with me." " I snapped. The other boys gasped. If only they knew...

"Please princess, I don't wanna fight anymore...please?" He asked. As much as I didn't want to, I agreed. I had to make an effort.


a message from the author: Okay sorry I lied this one isn't long, but the next chapter is going to be really good. I promise! Vote for Me!!!!

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