At Naruto's House

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    On Wednesday I stood outside Naruto's house. ' what should I do I can't do anything right now.' All I did was stand outside Naruto's house making a list of pros and cons of talking to Uzumaki . We were supposed to work on their project today. But I was still cautious about spending time with Naruto I couldn't make myself knock on the door, I stood outside for an hour thinking should I or should I not. Hello this is your Leo side talking knock on the door just do it, for meeee. I made a stupid decision to knock on the door. Now I am a Leo but obviously doesn't show itself too much Leos are spontaneous, impulsive and generally happy I'm usually the opposite except for the happy part when I'm around Naruto I'm always happy. Naruto opened The door. "Hey how are you?" Naruto said. "Good how are you?" I responded and walked inside. Naruto had a spacious living room with the comfy couch and a large glass table in the middle. "Hey you just sit down I'll be back in a sec my laptop." Naruto dashed upstairs. I looked around the room it was nice I wondered where his parents were or if they even remained in the US. Naruto was back with his laptop which he opened. "Okay so you want to write a paper about?" He looked at me. "I don't know you're the genius here why don't you decide." I scowled. " Hmmmm okay well I guess we could write a love story."
"No absolutely not" I said putting my foot down.
"You told me to choose something so I did if you have a better idea please I'd love to hear it." Naruto looked slightly mad at me. I looked at him and suddenly I didn't want to see him mad especially not at me I felt really bad "Sorry Naruto I shouldn't have yelled at you like that I just really don't want to write a love story."
Naruto smiled. "It's okay I was just a little startled that's all." We both sat there thinking for a while. "Oh I got it," Naruto looked at me excitedly " a horror story it's perfect with a bunch of blood and gore and fighting it will be awesome." I told him that that sounds perfect. Naruto opened a new page document and sat next to me. "Okay so now we need a title." I looked at him like 'really?'
"What I think ever story needs a title." He looked at me and I said. "No, no we needed a plot like characters how it's going to move along stuff like that we can't title a story without knowing anything about the story."
He rolled his eyes and said "well I have a different idea," "see what I like to do is I like to make miss leading titles that way nobody will know what the stories about or what genre it is. Does that make sense to you." He looked like I should understand him but I didn't. "Naruto I have never thought that in my life. We need to make a plot and characters even just beginning to write without even knowing anything is better than giving is stupid misleading title." He looked at me startled again 'damn think.' "Naruto I'm sorry I'm bad at working partners."
"I usually work alone and well this is new for me." I was telling the truth I really wasn't good at working in partners or with anybody at all but I yelled at Naruto and that makes my entire life go downhill I want us to be friends even if he won't date me.
"You know what you should really fix that problem." Naruto said to me. I looked at him he was so cute I mean really with his baby blue eyes and blond hair that always looked to spiky all I could do was smile at him and say " You know what let's just write."

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