15| If Only

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   Marinette's fragile back slammed against the brick wall of a nearby building, as a glassy-eyed Chat Noir watched, powerless to do anything. Marinette shrieked in agony. Without her Miraculous form, she was just another feeble, teenage girl, vulnerable to the enemy. The new villain Papillon had created was far more advanced than the rest. She'd managed to bring Chat Noir to his knees in defeat, and revert the unstoppable Ladybug to her original form. 

   The sound of heels tapping on the ground grew louder with every second in Marinette's ears. She was face down in the concrete, tears stained the solid ground. Chat Noir screamed the same one syllable word over and over again, occasionally throwing in replacement words. It all had the same meaning, though. He wanted her to stop.

   "Stop! Don't do it!! Noo, please!" a continuous beg seeped from his lips.

   The akumatised girl waved her finger from side to side, implying that Chat was being "bad". She grinned and glared at Chat Noir dead in the eye.

   "Naughty, naughty boy!" her hair a fiery blaze, disappearing into embers. A crimson pair of eyes darted through Chat Noir as he shivered, intimidation possessed his every move. Any word he spoke exhibited a stutter and his eyes were beady and shaking with terror. "But don't worry, I won't kill her."

   Standing above the bluenette, the red-eyed woman bent down and retrieved Marinette's earrings. A slight blur controlled Marinette's bluebell eyes, as she struggled to keep them open. She carefully attempted to twist her head around to recognise a foggy Chat Noir, barely hanging on to life. (Yeah, all nine of them). 

   "Chat... No... ir..." she spoke as heavy breathing consumed her words.

   Unable to stay awake any longer Marinette tried to fight back the exhaustion that began to engulf her body. A sudden pain struck her body, relieving her from her stress and an unconscious state dominated what was left of her.

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   After Marinette woke up her clueless eyes witnessed bright, white walls, flowers overflowing out of a beige, clay vase, and two crying faces. One was an unfamiliar brunette man, who was strangely large. The other had an equally unfamiliar face, a short, raven-haired woman. Each coated with thick layers of tears. The women's eyes gleamed as they met with Marinette's. She leaped forward and wrapped her short, spindly arms around her.

   "Oh, Marinette! We were so worried!!" her gentle voice wrapped Marinette in a state of easiness.

   Marinette, uncertain of what to do, pushed the odd woman away. She looked confused and hurt as she stared into Marinette's blue orbs. 

   "I'm sorry... But, do I know you?"

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   "It seems that the impact against the brick wall has induced a permanent amnesia. I'm afraid that it'll be impossible for her to remember any details about her past." the doctor sorrowfully confessed.

   The two faces which were supposedly Marinette's parents, had streams race down their mournful expressions. Marinette's hand was clenched in her mothers, as she attempted a content smile. 

   "We'll have to keep her here for another week or so, though." the same white-coated doctor interrupted.

   They both nodded as Marinette continued laying in the white sheeted hospital bed.

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   It had been three days since Marinette was put in the hospital and so far the only places she'd been to was her room, the bathroom, and a private, fenced, grass-filled garden outside the hospital. She had gotten no chances to exit the hospital whatsoever. She was getting sick of staying inside the confining, gleaming walls of the room she was held in. 

   "Lunch!" a blonde woman stepped in wearing a white uniform which encased her torso with a hospital badge. She also wore long, white, pants which bagged around her skinny ankles.

   The woman lugged a dark, blue tray which contained a few sandwiches and a glass of transparent water. She smiled and placed the tray in front of Marinette.

   "Thanks." Marinette returned the smile.

   Once the nurse had left Marinette searched around the room. She was alone as a security camera beadily scanned her. She gently waved at it as she pulled the covers down and jumped out of her hospital bed. Once she was out of sight, she scurried towards the white door. She twisted the handle and escaped the confining room. She walked around the huge, maze-like hospital as she followed each directional sign. 

   After a long time of searching and escaping nurses, she'd finally made it to the foyer. She looked around as she noticed patients sitting in the waiting area and health and hygiene posters hung on the walls. She saw the exit as the see-through glass screened a botanical garden filled with vivid colours and hues of vibrant flowers. Marinette's cheeks turned rosy as her face beamed. 

   "A garden!" she smiled.

   She burst through the hospital door as she was stopped abruptly. Her face collided with a boy's chest, who was almost the same age as herself. 

   "Oh, s-sorry." Marinette dazed, looked up at the strange figure.

   She inspected him for a second as he stayed silent but surprised.

   "Chat Noir?" Marinette covered her mouth as she had no idea what she just said. "Oh, I'm sorry, I don't know why I just called you an unlucky, black cat. It just came out, forgive me."

   The boy was stunned as he gazed down into her eyes. His mouth was open wide as he quickly shut it and grinned.

   "It's okay. I-I get that a lot... I guess..." He finally spoke.

   The boy was slightly taller than Marinette, his eyes were green and he had a blond mop on his head. His skin was pale and his face was handsome.

   The silence began to linger as the two just stared at each other.

   "Oh! Um, were you going to see someone? I'm sorry." Marinette moved to the side and gestured her hands, encouraging him to go inside.

   The blond boy just stood there with a blank expression plastered across his face.

   "No, it's all right. I wasn't going in anyway. I didn't have the guts to visit her, so I was just waiting outside." he rubbed the back of his blond locks as a doubtful expression came across his face.

   Marinette smiled as she jumped in front of him again.

   "Really? Is she pretty?" she nosy-ed

   "Yeah." he gave a slight nod of the head as he beamed. 

   Marinette lit up as she witnessed his smile.

   "Is she nice?" the boy nodded once again.

   Marinette thought up another question as she put her index finger to her lip.

   "Do you love her?" 

   He seemed surprised at the question. Silence fell upon the two as the conversation became awkward. He became nervous, he looked as though he was going to cry.

   "Yes. Very much. I've loved her since the day I met her. She's everything to me. She's kind, funny, and really pretty." he spoke with such passion. His cheeks went rosy as he stared into Marinette's eyes. "But she'll never love me. I'm just a silly, old, black cat with terrible puns. And now she doesn't even remember my name."

   A solitude tear slid from his eye.

   "If only she did."




   /A/N/ Yo, I am Jay. Hope you enjoyed this. This one-shot I've actually been writing for like ever, I began to write it just after I finished 'Yes, Papillon." but then it just sorta fizzled out. I don't know, but now I've finally finished it and is ready for you lovely Miraculous trash to read. Bye bye!

   ~ Jay

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