06| Heartbeat

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   /A/N/ In this one shot, Ladybug and Chat Noir does not exist. You're welcome.

🐞 🐱 🐞

   She stood in utter dismay, her hands cupped and placed on her chest. Adrien stepped backwards in an alarmed manner. The large, metal frame of the Eifel Tower began to creak, brimming the two with unease.

   "N-no... Adrien... Adrien stop!" she screeched.

   The blonde figure maintained his movement as he edged closer to the peak of the platform. Agitation possessed his usually serene demeanour. As he inched closer to the edge, his foot slipped, leaving him nothing but the dreading thought of colliding with the ground below. Marinette ran forward, reaching her faintly pale hand to grasp onto Adrien's. She missed as tears began to form in her eyes. He fell as she knelt down in defeat. She shrieked in pain as she watched her loved one slowly plummet to his death. The process was grieving and unnecessarily unhurried. Marinette redirected her view as tears escaped her solemn gaze.

   Marinette hesitantly scouted over the tower for Adrien. A pool of maroon stained the pavement as displayed in the middle was a colourless body. It was Adrien. Departing her guilt-filled eyes were pear-shaped droplets. They ran down her cheeks with such misery. Draping over her, the despair of being responsible for Adrien's death.

   "Marinette! Marinette!"

   Marinette sprung up, hope materialised inside her. She twisted her head around to notice she was in her room. She had just woken up.

   "Marinette." a blond, green-eyed character spoke with concern. "Were you having a nightmare?"

   His warm hand caressed her cheek and simultaneously wiped away her worrying tears. She nodded, letting another tear slip from her eyes. He stared into her beautiful, bluebell orbs as he finally pulled her into a tight embrace. Adrien pulled her down as they both laid in silence, her head fixed gently on his chest.

   His heartbeat. As long as she could hear it, that would be enough.




   /A/N/ THY END. Such a happy story. (I've been writing a lot of depressing ones lately).

   ~ Jay

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