Quick Side Note

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Hello :)

This is the author of this book and I just thought I'd make a quick appearance to say that this is a collection of one-shots that I wrote ages back. I think this was my third book to ever be written (my previous two were discarded due to how trash they were. I'm honestly trying to forget they ever existed) and my writing progressively gets better but not very much. I wrote this about three or four years ago (it's March 2019 as I'm writing this note) and honestly, I'm not very proud of it. I'm not gonna take it down though because people still actually enjoy this (Lord knows why) and it's not so horrible that I want it to vanish from existence. Though just keep in mind, I was smaller with less experience in writing compared to now. My grammar and punctuation are horrible, my vocabulary was either limited or extended unnecessarily to a point of it being overdone, and my plotlines lack (some are okay).

Edit June 2019: I have decided to rewrite these one-shots for multiple reasons. They won't be ready for a while, cause there are about twenty stories in this collection and I'm rethinking some of the plotlines of the stories. But hopefully, they'll be ready to go soon! I'm still debating keeping the old ones up when the new ones go up, but I'm not 100% sure at the moment. I decided to do this because I really want to see how far I've actually come and how much I've improved. I'd also really like for something that I'm genuinely proud of to be published rather than something I'm not very fond of. So, there we go. Surely, they won't take super long, but no promises. I am a procrastinator :/ 

Edit September 2019: I have come to the conclusion that some of these stories are high key trash and so the original plan was to rewrite them all in order but now I'm gonna just rewrite the ones that I have the most inspiration for! This means some of these stories will not be rewritten but I will still keep them up (depending on future Jay) so sorry if I don't rewrite your favourite ones!

All righty, that's all I got for you at the moment.

Your grateful author, Jaylyn Candy :)




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