18| All To Myself

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   /A/N/ Marinette/Ladybug knows who Chat Noir is. Adrien/Chat Noir doesn't know who Ladybug is. Adrien knows Ladybug knows that he's Chat Noir.

   "Marinette!" a concerned voice lingered from the kitchen.

   Sabine jumped out of her seat and ran over to the battered bluenette who stood in the doorway. Her raven-blue locks reached just below her shoulders and was full of dirt and garbage. Her pink jeans were ripped at the knees and between the gaps you could see her scrapped skin. Bruises painted her skin and maroon wept from her feverishly-red cheek.

   "Oh, Marinette! Are you being bullied again?! This is the fourth week in a row!" 

   Marinette gave a little nod in reply as her gaze was glued to the wooden floor of the entrance. The truth was, she wasn't being bullied, she'd just been fighting akumas. They were becoming harsher and the attacks began to affect her civilian form.

   "That's it! I've already called the school, and that didn't even work!" Sabine furrowed her brows as she folded her short, skinny arms. "Marinette, I'm not taking anymore of this bullying! So, I've decided that I'm moving you to another school!"

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   Marinette's breath caught in her throat as she choked back the reality that was thrown her way. A bead of sweat trickled down her anxious expression as she attempted to contemplate the outcome. Going to a different school would mean going further away. Going further away would mean leaving all her friends. Leaving Adrien, Chat Noir.

   "No! I don't want to!" Marinette burst out, tears jerked at her eyes. "All my friends go here!"

   Marinette's mother possessed a sympathetic gaze as she reached her hands to Marinette's shoulders. Sabine displayed a faint smile as she attempted to console her.

   "Marinette... I've been speaking with your father about this for nearly a week now, and we've found a nice little place about an hour away. The school in that area is quite popular too, you might enjoy yourself there." she tried to persuade her daughter to cooperate but Marinette couldn't bring herself to accept this.

   Marinette shook her head vigorously as she allowed tears to escape her translucent, blue eyes. Her pale hands trembled with the fear of leaving her friends. Nothing was going to calm her down, not even the gorgeous face of Adrien or the terrible puns Chat Noir made. Her whole world had just crashed and burned.

   She wiped her mother's hands from her fragile, petite frame as she made a run to the stairs which led to her bedroom. Throwing her small, pink bag on her computer desk, she stepped, panicky, over to her marble basin, (A/N she actually does have one in her room, I've seen it). Twisting the handle, water began gushing out. She rested her hands under the tap and cupped them, letting her soft skin collect a pond of water. Splashing it over her cheek three or four times she grabbed a silky, cream towel and dried the swollen area.

   Untying her red ribbon from her raven-blue locks she bent down and coated her hair in warm water. She then combed it through with her fingers, until she'd finally gotten rid of all the dirt mixed in with her hair, and dried it with the same towel. She picked up a round, pink hairbrush and gently combed it through her damp hair.

   "New school?" she withdrew a heavy sigh as she tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. "As if."

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   Marinette stood on the balcony atop her father's bakery, a deep-grey hoodie shaded her torso as a long pair of dark-blue skinny jeans tightly wrapped around her skinny legs. She wore a pair of black boots and her hair hung just below her shoulders. She brought along with her a small, pink purse which encased her crime-fighting companion, Tikki.

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