Day 100

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Riley's POV

We've been here for what seems like forever

Every day we were beaten electrocuted and stabbed

We get given food every two days

And water ever week

Me Amber josh and jarred

Have not left each other's side

They now to send in two massive guys to hold down jarred and josh when it's our turn to be beaten

"When are they gonna kill us "Amber asks

"There not that's there game they want us to do it they want us to beg for the to take our lives " I say

"I can't do this anymore " Amber cries

I try to walk over to hug her but my body just won't let it

I have so many bruises and cuts and broken bones

Last night was the worst off them all

The tied me to a post and had round of hitting and kicking me in the ribs to they broke

When I get put back in the room josh cleans me up he says his sorry more then a hundred times a minuets he won't even look me in the eyes

The door swings open and the two big men walk in but this time they needed four to hold the boys down

I guess it's my turn

They put the bag over my head

Five minuets later they take it off

I'm not in the usual room

"Hello Riley " his voice off the man I am yet to know the name off

I nod

"I though I'd tell you a little story about my sons little drunken drive about 3 years ago " he smiles

I nod once more

I can't even hold my chin up

"You see he was driving home on day and this guy in front kept slowing down which got him very fustrated so he beeped his horn the guy begins to speed up so my son though let's have a little fun with this guy so he speed up as well and goes beside him the driver is on the phone so my son slows down and goes behind him again Thai time speeding up and beeping horn which must off gave the poor guy a heart attack because he flip his car and smashed into a tree my son come home laughing oh that is a good memory "his sick smile shows again

"What does that have to do with me " I faintly say

"Oh you don't remember the car was a black BMW with the license plate
R+R=LF the crash was on Forrest road" he smile once more

I try to think about what he is talking about


"You son off a bitch I'm going to kill you your the reason he died you killed an innocent person for you entertainment if I get out off here I'm going to put a bullet through your head"i say with traders rolling down my face

My energy is throw the roof

He killed him he killed Ryan

He took the love off my life away from me

And he's trying to do it again

"This is the best way to break you down but soon I'm gonna put you and your little friend in the fucking ground "hr shouts

"Not if I do it first " I threaten

"Your funny little girl I like that to bad you have to die"he walk out off the room

I don't even want to get out off here anymore

I want him dead

And I want to be the one to do it

I don't care how much pain I'm in if he thinks he'd going to kill my bestfriend the love off her life and the person who has my heart he is so wrong I have been holding this anger inside for to long

And when it comes out

There's going to be hell to pay

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