Chapter 1

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"I dare you to marry me." Jake said, bending on one knee, holding the most beautiful ring I've ever seen. I felt my throat tighten as the tears brimmed my eyes. I couldn't believe he was proposing to me; I couldn't believe that my Dad was apart of it. As I stared down at him, I couldn't form any words.

"Can you give me an answer Ness, my knee is starting to get tired." He chuckled.

"Jake, we're so young, I mean yeah I'm mentally and physically about 17, but still. I mean we're not even done with high school!"

"Ness, calm down. I don't want us to get married right away. We can wait awhile, your almost done aging and I'm not even aging. We can wait as long as you want." He said smiling up at me.

"Well then, of course! Yes!" I said, bending down and wrapping my arms around his neck. He wrapped his arms around my waist and lifted me up, spinning me around in a bone crushing hug. "Jake. Can't. Breath!" I said as he immediately let me down. My family clapped and whistled at us. I smiled at them and then noticed my Mom; she was standing towards the back with a shocked look on her face.

"You alright Mommy?" I asked skipping over to her.

"Yeah, just, my baby is growing up so fast." She said grabbing me and holding me. "It seems like just yesterday you were my little nudger." she said smiling while rubbing my face. I laughed, remembering hearing my mom talk to me while she was still pregnant with me.

"Well, we should get going, you all have school tomorrow morning." Grandpa said. Ugh, I really didn't want to go to school. I wished I could stay at home all day with my family and Jake, but I think people would get suspicious of seven teenagers living together and not going to school. We just moved from Forks to Olympia so we enrolled into Olympia High. We all piled into the boat and sped our way to the mainland. We got into a taxi van and went to the airport, we all rushed through the airport since we were literally being chased by the sun. Since our flight was scheduled to arrive in the airport at night, we were technically leaving during the morning. We got into our private plane and me and Jake sat in the back again, intertwining our fingers.

"How are you this evening Mrs.Black?" Jake asked. I blushed and nudged him, resting my head on his shoulder.

"I'm actually pretty tired." I said yawning.

"Well just rest, baby. I'll be here when you wake up." He said kissing my head. I smiled and closed my eyes.

Jacob's POV

I smiled, watching Ness sleep.

"You better take care of my daughter." Bella said coming and sitting next to me.

"Of course I will Bells, remember the abuse I got when you found out I imprinted on her." I said laughing at the memory.

"Now I understand why Emily was so upset with Quil." she muttered. I laughed remembering Bella's reaction when I told her Quil imprinted on a two year old. Claire was probably around ten now and most likely still had no idea about the imprint. I wondered how my brothers and sister have been. When we moved up to Olympia I told Leah, Seth, Quil, and Embry to stay in Forks. We should probably make a visit back home soon, I missed my Dad.

"Bells, you know I would rather die than see her hurt. She's my everything." I said staring at her.

"I know." she said


"That's the same way Edward used to, and still looks at me." she said smiling back at Edward who looked deep in converstaion with Carisle.

"Well I hope me and her can be like you two." I said smiling at my best friend


Here's the first chapter :D

I have a favor to ask you guys, if any of you wanted to, could you pretty please make me a cover for the book. I wanna use the actress who played older Ness in the movie, her name is Christie Burke and of course Jake is Taylor Lautner.

If you wanna make me one you can email it to me at :D


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