Chapter 6

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Me and Jake sat there for a few minuets just holding each other, him randomly pressing his lips against my hair. Jake unwrapped himself from me and stood up. "Class should be starting soon, we need to get back so we're not late." He said offering me his hand , helping me up. He gathered my books under his long arm and grabbed my hand with his free arm and helped me down the bleachers. We walked back in silence to the school building, Jake dropping me off in front of the English room, leaning down and brushing his lips against mine. I stood on my tiptoes, pulling his face closer to mine, kissing him hard.

He wrapped an arm around my waist, smushing my body against his. He pulled away, resting his forehead on mine, breathing heavily. "Shouldn't you two be heading to class." A stern voice said from behind us. I turned around and saw the creepy principal standing behind us, his arms folded as he scowled at us.

"Sorry sir. I was dropping her off at class." Jake said stepping away from me.

"Well that doesn't mean you have to show such lewd affection in the halls. Next time I see you two, that's a week detention." He said turning around and walking away.

"I have bad vibe from that dude." Jake whispered, watching him walk away. I nodded in agreement, the principal definitely did have the creeper vibe going on. Jake quickly kissed my nose and ran off to his class. Luckily the rest of the day went without incident, except for my massive amount of homework.

Of course Jake and I had some when we got home, everybody else finishing in literally a minuet.

"Ugh! Who gives a crap where our DNA unwinds?!" I grunted shoving my book to the floor with my arm. I waited to heat the satisfactory thud but all I was meet with was the soft sound of the book being placed back next to my elbow.

"You should 'give a crap', seeing as you're half human. I know its probably boring and uninteresting but you have to learn it." My Mom said giving me a light peck on my cheek. Jake was slumped over his books, snoring loudly, undoubtedly leaving a pool of drool in his books.

I decided to follow suit and closed my eyes, needing a nap.


Sorry for the long wait. I haven't had wifi for about 3 months and had no other way to access the internet besides at school and I haven't been feeling inspired. I'll try to resume regular updates but my wifi is still off :/ thank you for being patient

XoxoAlexis <3 :)

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