Chapter 4

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Renesmee's POV

The rest of the of the first half of the day was quite uneventful; the standard 'introduce yourself to class' that teachers always do in the movies. It was funny, I'd never been to school but it was just like all the movies I've ever seen or books I've ever read described it. By time lunch came I was starving, me and Jake piled food onto our trays while everyone else grabbed a few measly things.

"Where are we sitting?" I asked taking a fry from Jake's tray while he wasn't looking.

"Well there's no where else to sit besides that middle table." Uncle Em said leading the way. We wall followed him as everyone in the cafeteria got quiet as the watched us walk and sit down.

"Why are they staring?" I whispered.

"We intrigue them." Dad answered rolling a grape between his fingers. Me and Jake dug in, greedily eating our food while my family talked quietly amongst themselves, the noise in the cafeteria slowly growing back into its loud fashion.

"Excuse me, what are you doing sitting at our table?" A high pitched voice said. I turned around and saw they typical high school "hot girl" ; model thin, blond hair, clothes barely covering her body, and two other mindless bimbos behind her.

"Is this your table?" Aunt Alice asked sweetly.

"Uh duh, you freaks need to move." She said chomping on her gum.

"Oh sorry, well we got here first. Do you mind if we finish our food?" Jake asked, a mouth full of pizza.

Blondie rolled her eyes and opened her mouth to say something but when she looked at Jake, her mouth dropped.

"Oh, um sure. On one condition." She smiled. I swear if she says what i think she's going to, my family is going to be pulling me off of her with chunks of fried blonde hair in my hands.

"Which is?" Jacob asked side eyeing me as I looked at the girl evilly.

"Give me your number." She smiled, blowing a bright pink bubble. I began to rise, wanting so badly to fulfill the mental image of me tearing her hair out when my Dad grabbed the back of my shirt and pulled me back down.

"Behave!" He scolded in my ear, apparently reading my thoughts. I took a deep breath as the heat in my cheeks grew.

"Ew, what's wrong with her?" One of her stupid friends said pointing at me like I was some sideshow freak.

"I'll show you what's wrong when i rip you-" I growled, my Dad putting his hand over my mouth.

"She's just kind of," 

"Retarded?" The girl said. Everything went red. This girl was seriously asking for a death wish.

'Let me go Dad.'

"Renesmee, I swear if you do anything." He whispered only for me to hear. Well, me plus my family.

'i'm not going to do anything, but if I stay here a second longer, the janitors are going to be mopping her blood up off the floor.'

With that thought, my Dad let me go and I stalked out of the cafeteria, all eyes on me. Once I got to the hallway I punched the nearest locker as hard as possible, denting it.

"Woah, you alright?" A voice asked. I turned around and saw a boy about my age. Well, my pretend age.

"Yeah, just kind of mad." I muttered staring at the dent.

"Kind of? You must be seriously pissed to punch something that hard and not even flinch after. Your adrenaline must be going." He said checking out the locker.

"Yeah well, nice to meet you, but I have more lockers to punch." I said sarcastically.

"Oh, be careful." He muttered, cheeks growing pink with embarrasement. "I'm Sam by the way."

"I'm Renesmee." I smiled, walking away.

Jake's POV

Oh man Ness is probably so freaking pissed off right now. If this girl keeps hitting on me, she's going to rip her throat out and have it for lunch.

"So, can I have your number." The girl said tracing her finger up and down my arm.

"Well I have a girlfriend, so sorry, but its a no." I said scooching away. This girl was majorly invading my personal space and it was kinda scary.

"Who is she?" She purred.

"She's uh," I wasn't sure wether or not to tell her because if this girl made Ness' life a living hell for being with me, we'd have a serious problem.

"Is it that little freak that stormed out?" She smirked leaning on me.

"Actually yes." I said standing up, almost making her fall over. "And I have to go and find her before she comes back in here, sees you sexually harrasing me, and kicks your ass." I say grabbing my tray and finding a trash can.

"Please, she's a freak and probably a prude." She snorted.

"Excuse me, I don't know you but if you ever talk about my daugh- sister that way ever again, I will be forced to beat the living shit out of you." Bella said, zooming right into the girls face.

"Calm down love." Edward said grabbing her arm and sitting her on his lap.

"That goes for us too." Rose said through ehr teeth.

"Whatever freaks. Can't even take a joke." She said turning around and walking away.

"My name is Alena by the way. But you can call me tonight." She said slipping a piece of paper in my pocket.

"I'd rather not." I say crumpling up the paper and throwing it in the trash. "I'm gonna go find Renesmee." I said to everyone else rushing out the lunch room. As I was walking I saw a lucker bent in wierdly on itself. I stared at it for a moment, realizing that the imprint of a tiny fist was right in the center.

"Shit, she's pissed." I muttered to myself taking off to find her in the freaking giant ass school.

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