Chapter 8

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Our family settled into a routine: school during the day, homework once we got home, free time until I went to sleep, and family time on the weekends. We had began to settle into our new house, but I still missed Forks.

I sat on the seat in front of my window and looked out into the always cloudy skies that protected me and my family. I was so involved in staring at the jagged line of trees I didn't even hear my mom come in.

"Honey, are you okay?" She asked, snapping me out of my daydream.

"Oh yeah," I sighed. "Just thinking about home."

"I know, I miss him too." Mom sat down and grabbed my hand, placing it on her face. Images of my Grandpa Charlie swarmed her mind as I thought about all the days I used to sit in his tiny living room, watching the Mariners with him and Jacob. "I was thinking we could go down there for Christmas." Mom said placing my hand back down.

"Can we please? I miss him, and Sue, and Leah, and Seth, and Quil, and Embry, and-"

"Okay, okay," she laughed. "I get it, you miss everybody. Let me talk to your dad and everybody else about it."

"I think it's a wonderful idea," Dad said strolling into my room. "We haven't been back home since we moved to Olympia."

"Sometimes I forget I don't have to actually talk to you about plans. You'll hear me from the other side of the house." Mom laughed.

"I second that though," Grandma said coming into my room too. "Renesmee really should see her other relatives more."

"So Christmas in Forks?" I asked excited.

"Christmas in Forks." Mom agreed.

The next two weeks before Christmas break seemed to drag on. All I wanted to do was go see the other half of my family, and all the teachers were worried about were finals and making sure we were "focused". Thanks to my brilliant family, I had all of my final assignments done days before their due dates, giving me time to relax.

I was laying in my room when I heard someone knock on my door. Hearing the only other heartbeat in the house, I got up and opened the door for Jake. He smiled down at me, his enormous body barely fitting in the door as he walked in.

"Watcha doin?" He asked, flopping onto my bed.

"Just laying here. My work for the week is done."

"Ugh lucky. Trig is kicking my ass, and everyone is trying to tutor me with no results. I even made Carlisle give up on me." He laughed.

"Well maybe a good hunt will do the trick." I suggested with a smile. Yeah, human food was good, but every now and then I liked to go hunting with my family. Even though I had specials abilities and my skin semi glittered, I felt as if I didn't fit with my family. When we went on hunts I felt more like one of them.

"Absolutely, let's go." He said jumping up. We raced down the stairs and luckily I had inherited my mother's eyes and thick hair, and not her clumsiness from her human days everyone joked of.

We ran out the back door not bothering to tell anyone what we were doing since they probably had heard us talking. Our house sat right on the edge of a small forest, so we ran towards it. Once we were in the trees Jake ventured off to shapeshift, while I sat and tried to catch the scent of our prey. I could hear Jake's paws walking through the soft mossy floor of the forest until he stopped next to me. We both waited for a smell to come to us, and it certainly did. A sweet, intoxicating smell.

My brown eyes snapped open as I looked into the red ones of a vampire staring at us.



So I wrote Cullen ToD when I was like 13 and it makes zero sense and the writing is awful and I didn't expect so many people to like it, or to like this story. But since you guys do and I've had tons of requests to keep writing, I decided I will :) I work and go to college so updates might take a while, but be patient. I promise it'll be worth it


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