Chapter 5

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Renesmee's POV

I stalked around the huge school, sometimes punching lockers as I went. I knew I was leaving a trail behind me, but I didn't care. It was either punch lockers or punch Blondie's face in. I wanted to scream but that would draw unessacary attention to myself, which is exactly what I don't want. I turned and found heaven; the library. I slowly walked into the giant room with floor to cieling bookshelves, sighing contently.

"You love reading?" A feathery female voice said behind me. I jumped slightly turning around. "I'm Mrs.O'Connors, I run the library." She said sticking her hand out. I shook it smiling at her. She was barely taller than my midget 5'3 and wore her long gray hair in a bun held by a pen. Her glasses sat on her nose as she was dressed in a pretty purple shirt and black skirt.

"Hi, I'm Renesmee." I said looking around the room.

"Beautiful name. Very unique. Are you a reader?" She asked smiling.

"Oh yes, defintely. My family are big readers, so it just kind of rubbed off on me." I say honestly, even though I've been reading since I was 2 1/2 months old.

"Are you apart of that new group of children that just enrolled?"

"Yes. We just moved here." I say sticking to the story that was drilled into my head a billion times.

"Well I hope you enjoy our school. I'll be at the front if you need anything." She said walking off towards the huge clerance desk. I lazily browsed the shelves, scanning for something new to read. i tried to find any classics I haven't read, with no such luck. I sighed in defeat, grabbing a few teen novels, hoping they'd be good. I walked to the deska dn set them on the counter.

"Can I see your ID?" Mrs.O'Connors asked.

"Er,," I said racking my brain to remember if they even gave us IDs.

"They didn't give you one did they?" She asked. I shook my head no. "Ugh, what is the point of having a bunch of people in an office to get this stuff done, if they do nothing but gossip." She huffed. "Well Renesmee, you seem like a trsuworthy girl and very nice, so I'll turst you to take the books and return them in a week. Okay?" She said trying to look stern, even though there was a smile on her lips.

"Ye ma'am." I say grabbing my books and walking out the library, feeling much better than ten minuets ago.

Jacob's POV

I followed the occasional dents I found in locker, knowing Nessie probably only got more angry as she walked. I had to give her props though, I expected her to beat the crap out of the girl and she didn't. I would've if I was her, cause that girl was way too touch feely, and didn't know how to take no for an answer. I pray that she learns to take no for an answer and doesn't try to hit on any of the guys cause the girls will go ballistic.

I followed the dents to the library. Typical Renesmee, she goes to the library the little nerd.

"Ness?" I whisper yelled.

"Hello. Do you need help?" A soft voice said behind me. I turned around and saw a small older lady.

"Erm, yeah. Have you seen a girl bout 5'4, long auburn hair, big chocolate brown eyes?"

"Would her name happen to be Renesmee?" She asked.

"Yeah, actually it would. How did you know?" I said looking at her skeptically. I sniffed the air experimentally; she didn't smell like a vamp.

"She was just here about 15 minuets ago." She smiled. 

"Oh, do you know which way she went?"

"No sorry dear." She frowned.

"Oh, well can you tell her that her boyfriend Jacob is looking for her, ya know, if she comes back here?"

"Sure." She smiled. I left the library wondering where Ness could be. Lunch was almost over and I didn't want her to be late to her next class. I caught a small trace of her scent and followed it outside.

Nessie's POV

i sat on the cold bleachers reading my books. The cool wind whipped my hair around my face, around my body enveloping me. I was reading The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks, one of my all time favorite books and movies. My tears fell as Allie lashed out on Noah and broke up with him. Why is love so complicated? Even in some books love was complicated and sometimes ended in heart break. I knew me and Jake's relationship would be kind of tricky, but i never factored in other girls being part of the problem.

My body started shaking as I began crying. I didn't really know why I was crying, I knew Jake loved me with everything he had and that he would die to protect me, but the tears just kept coming.

"Renesmee!" I heard the deep voice I loved so much yell as his thunderous footsteps came up the bleachers. He cupped my face wiping away my tears. "Shhh, its alright i'm right here." He said hugging me tightly. I wrapped my arms around him pulling him closer to me by his shirt.

His simple words let me know he wasn't going anywhere.

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