Chapter One - New In Town

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Chapter One – New In Town

It was getting hot and heavy in the back seat of Jamie’s car. Oh, yeah, the good old fashion way to make love, right? Romantic, eh? He went to undo my shorts.

“You’re a little fast aren’t ya,” I murmured against his lips with a smile.

“Isn’t that ironic coming from the one who’s got me buck-ass naked right now,” he snickered with a laugh. I rolled my eyes and joined him in laughter.

“You’re still wearing jeans, kid.”

“Shut up and kiss me, woman,” he demanded with a low growl. I obliged by tugging his lower lip.

Jamie had almost managed to pull my shorts completely down when I heard a long drawn out howl. I quickly pulled away from Jamie and perked up to the sound. Jamie brought his lips down to the side of my neck.

“Jamie, did you hear that?” I asked him. He grunted.

“Hear what?”

“A howl.”

“No,” he said. And began to take my shirt off. I heard another howl.

“Okay, you can’t tell me you didn’t just hear that.”

“Babe, if you’re too chicken shit to have sex with me then just say so.” He said now gazing into my eyes. His deep chocolate brown eyes penetrated my bright green ones.

“I’m not chicken shit,” I snapped. Another howl. “Did you hear that?” Jamie furrowed his brow.

“Yeah…” he murmured then shrugged. “It’s probably some cub just getting used to his form.” I narrowed my eyes. Another howl—this time it was longer, louder, and closer.

“You can’t tell me that’s a cub, that sounds like a man,” I said and pushed Jamie off of me. I pulled my shorts up and buttoned them, then readjusted my shirt.

“Babe, where ya goin’?” He asked exasperated.

“To see who this lunatic is,” I said and got out of his car. I leaned inside. “Are ya coming or not?”

He groaned. “Fine, but when we get back we’re definitely fucking.”


“Okay,” he said and put his clothes back on. He stepped out and walked over to me.

Jamie was a beautiful boy, you could see his wolf in his features. I’d say I was lucky to have him. He was tall, tanned, muscular, smart, and he would be the next Beta. He was perfect, and he wanted none other than me—simple ole Ginger Sam. Well, I suppose there was nothing quite simple about me.

“Babe, come here,” he said pulling me under his arm. “I don’t want you getting cold.”

“Don’t worry about me, I’m fine,” I murmured. “Do you know where the howl came from?”

“Probably down in there,” he sighed.

“Then let’s go.” I smiled and urged him on.

I crawled out from under his arm and grabbed his hand, tugging him down into the big green forest. It was dark, so I knew it would be harder for me to see than it would Jamie. I kept walking till I stopped in front of the most beautiful wolf I had ever seen in my life. Massive was an understatement. This guy was… enormous. His back was to us, but I’m quite sure he was more than aware that we were in his presence. He was alone. I took the time to study him. His pure white fur coat was dirty and dingy, he looked like he had been running for months—he had to have been a rogue. His tail was longer than my wingspan, hell, he was probably seven feet tall on all fours, I can’t even imagine how tall he was on his hinds.

“Sam, get back.” Jamie said pulling me behind me. I hated whenever he did this—made me out to be weak. I wasn’t weak.

“Jamie, I can handle it.” I snapped stubbornly. I pulled my hand out of his and stepped forward, closer to the wolf. He instantly responded to my motion and turned. He growled loud and feral in my face. I probably shit my pants, but who cares—I can’t even feel my legs right now. I put my hands up in surrender. “I don’t wish to cause you any harm, I only want to know who you are and where you come from—“

“Sammantha, get the fuck back here!” Jamie growled at me obviously pissed that I said what I said. Oh, great, I’m Sammantha now.

The wolf didn’t respond. He just stared at me, and for some odd reason I felt like he was gazing into my soul. I just wasn’t quite too sure. I put my hand out.

“I mean you no harm,” I whispered. The wolf sniffed my hand. But I was instantly jerked back by Jamie who took my place, standing face to face with a feral wolf.

I’d be scared shitless if I were Jamie.

“You’re on the wrong turf, bud.” Jamie warned. “I suggest you leave before I have to call my Alpha.”

The wolf huffed a laugh then bared his teeth. Now, that was an insult.

“Have it your way.” Jamie said and stared the wolf down.

The wolf looked at me before he took off running further into our territory. Jamie quickly turned and grabbed me. He was completely and utterly silent as he climbed into his car.


“Sammantha, now is not the time,” Jamie grumbled.

Great. Sammantha once again.

“My name is Sam, Jamison.” I said checking him sharply. He simply snorted. “Let me out.”

“What? Why?”

“I want to walk home, asshole.”

“Your dad would be pissed if he found out I let you walk home,” Jamie said looking over at me.

“And you think he’d be happier knowing you almost deflowered his daughter? No. Let me out, or I’ll get out myself.”

He sighed and pulled the car over. I grabbed my cardigan and shut the door ignoring his pleas for me to come back. I slipped my cardigan over my shoulders and began my trek for my house my thoughts solely on the new wolf in town. I felt a grin creep on my face. Oh, this is gonna be a good one.

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