Chapter Thirteen

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They were standing there, and with every word they would speak, Riley's hands would clench tighter until his knuckles turned white. He turned to face me, his eyes filled with fury, before taking my wrist in his hand and speaking to me through his eyes. He was disappointed in what I did, and was angry. There wasn't any doubt that he would scream at me the minute that they left.

When he turned back to his brothers, he clutched the edge of the door in his hand tightly. "What are you doing here?"

The younger one spoke first, his eyes shifting from me to Riley. "We wanted to talk to you again."

"Yeah," said the older one, which I'm guessing was Connor. "We haven't talked to you in over two years."

My mind then shot to when Riley told me about his sister, and how she died two years ago. I looked back at Riley, taking his hand in mine. He tried snatching it away, but I just held it tighter so he couldn't let go. "That's because of what happened with Infinity."

Connor closed his eyes tightly while Toby looked down at his shoes, tears forming in his eyes. "Look, you know that we didn't want to just leave like that, but-"

"But nothing, Connor." Riley's hand gripped mine tightly and I rested my head against the door, closing my eyes. "You left as soon as she died because you couldn't take the pain. You didn't even help with anything! And when you came back, everything was normal again, and you acted like nothing happened."

"You don't get how hard it was for me," Toby mumbled, a tear streaming down his cheek.

"You don't get how hard it was for all of us." Riley's eyes shifted to me and I leaned over, kissing his shoulder lightly before his arm wrapped around my waist. "Mom was devestated, and what do you do? You leave."

"You left too!"

"Because I couldn't stand to be around you two without my sister by our sides!" His voice shook and he looked down, letting out a cough. "I think you two should go."

"Please, Riley," Connor begged. "We just want to talk, that's all. We wanted to apologize."

Riley's hand rested on the door and he looked Connor in the eyes before mumbling, "it will never be okay," before closing the door and resting his back against it, his hand slipping from mine as tears ran down his cheeks. "I'm gonna go take a shower," he mumbled before he walked off and wiped his eyes with the sleeve of his hoodie.

His body was lied on the bed while his face was expressionless, and I couldn't help but blame myself for all of this. If I didn't call Connor, he would be the same. He would still be the person that smiled whenever he saw me. But now, he just walked around with a blank expression on his face.

My body was lied down next to him, and I nudged his side, which caused his eyes to shift over to me. "Why aren't you talking?"

He shook his head and sighed, loking back up at the ceiling. "If I do, I'm going to end up yelling at you."

"I'd rather you yell at me then just lay here not say anything." He looked at me once again before closing his eyes, opening them when he was ready to speak.

"You shouldn't have called them," he mumbled before sitting up and staring ahead at the light blue walls of my bedroom. "It messed up everything, seeing them. They ruined everything."


He turned around to face me, his eyes going mad. "Hush, Avery. You don't know what I've been through." He stood up before heading to the door and leaning against the door frame, me following behind him. "You don't know anything."

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