Chapter Fourteen*

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The loud ringing of Riley's phone is what woke me up the next morning. My eyes opened slowly to see Riley walk in the room, only a towel around his waist. He picked up the phone before pressing answer and holding it up to his ear. "Hello?"

The person on the other line spoke before his eyes widened. "Yes, this is him," he replied before his eyes shifted over to me. "Yes, that would be great!" The person on the line spoke and he grinned before giving me a thumbs up, and I chuckled when I realized how happy he was. "Thank you so much." When he hung up the phone, he jumped on the bed and tackled me down. "That was the museum," he stated, out of breath.

I giggled before kissing his lips lightly. "What did they say?"

"They've seen my work somehow, and they want me to do an abstract painting of some sort to be put in the museum!" He kissed my neck lightly and held me against his chest before I ran my fingers through his hair. "This is huge."

"I'm happy for you," I whispered before pulling away and staring into his dark eyes.

He smirked before rolling over so I was on top. "I've been thinking about this for a while, and I think now is the time to do it."

My eyes narrowed before I rested my arms on either side of him, collapsing on his chest. "What is it?"

An amused look crossed over his eyes before he stated, "I want you to help me."

The floor in Riley's apartment was covered in creme colored paper, curved around every corner and turn. My eyes widened when I saw the cans of different colored pants, and my mind wondered on what we were doing. When he took off his shirt, my eyes widened and I bit my lip softly, which caused his left eyebrow to rise.

"Are you going to take your clothes off?" He asked before I cleared my throat.

I nodded slowly before taking my shirt over my head and tossing it on the floor beside me. I hesitated before unbuttoning my jeans and pulling them down before stepping out of them. Riley then walked up beside me before taking my clothes and throwing them in the kitchen so they wouldn't get any paint on them. He stood in front of me before pulling down his sweatpants and grinning gently.

"I can tell that you aren't very comfortable with this so we'll just keep the rest on, all right?" He asked before tucking a loose piece of my hair behind my ear. I nodded and he walked over to the cans of paint that were already open before smirking. When he walked back over to me, he had a can of paint in his hand. "Ready," he asked before I closed my eyes and nodded, holding out my arms. "One, two," he squeezed his eyes closed. "Three!"

I gasped when I felt the cold paint splatter all over my body, only a little bit on my face. When I looked down, I noticed that the color was red, and that it had ruined my new bra and panties. "Um, sorry," he mumbled before clearing his throat.

I smirked before walking over to the cans of paint and picking up yellow, a color that he had hated. When I walked back over to him, he already had his eyes closed and his arms out. The paint splattered on his body and I flung it all over him, even on his face. When his eyes opened, he looked down and cursed under his breath.

"Yellow, really?" He sighed before picking me up, causing me to giggle uncontrollably. When he set me down, it was on the paper, and I started to experiment by walking around and turning back, seeing my footprints trailing behind me. A smirk stretched across Riley's face before he ran up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist, twirling me around before setting me down and smiling. "This is fun, right?"

"Very," I stated before he took my face in his hands and kissed my lips lightly, pulling away with a smile. "What now?"

He smirked before reaching down and pulling down his boxers, causing my eyes to go wide. "Let's have some fun," he stated before pushing me up against the wall and kissing my neck.

A grin stretched across my face before I tangled my fingers in his hair and ran my hands down his torso, stopping at his hips. A moan escaped his lips as I ran my nails across his waist and felt his lips vibrate against my neck. I then smirked before pulling away pushing against his chest lightly, running across the other end of the room. When he turned around, his mouth was opened wide and lust crossed over his eyes, which made my heart beat fast. At that moment, I reach back and unhooked my bra before letting it drop to the floor, his eyes wandering down to my breasts before he bit his lip and forced himself to look away. My fingers then hooked in the waist band of my panties before I pulled them down and stepped out of them, Riley's eyes wondering over my body.

"You look beautiful," he mumbled before slowly walking up to me and kissing my lips lightly. My cheeks flared up as I felt his length harden against my leg and I pushed him down before he fell on the ground. I then sat on top of him and smirked before getting on my knees and scooting down, seeing his eyes go wide. One of my eyebrows rose before I took his length in my hand and licked a stripe across it, causing his body to shake. I then reached up and gripped his upper arm in my hand before scooting back up, seeing his eyes filled with lust and passion.

"Don't tease me like that," he muttered before standing up, leaving me on the floor. I chuckled before standing up and walking around, also leaving my handprints on the ground. "I think that's enough," he trailed off, inspecting the many handprints and footprints. "Let's go take it up to the museum."

I nodded before he walked up and kissed me. When we pulled away, I chuckled, seeing that his lips were orange.

People in elegant dresses and suits were standing around us, wine and champagne in their hands. Below everyone was Riley and I's work, our colorful handprints and footprints lighting up the dull room. My eyes traveled down to my black dress that had reached my mid thigh before they lingered to Riley's and I's intertwined hands. A grown woman then walked up to Riley before asking, "is this your work?" She motioned to the floor and Riley's cheeks flared up before nodding.

"Yes, it is. But my lovely girlfriend also helped me," he stated as he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him, the woman raising one of her eyebrows.

"Oh really?" He nodded before she looked down at the floor, "what are these huge dots?"

My cheeks flared up as I looked down and saw a little bit of an outline of Riley's body and then two dots on either side of him. I choked on my champagne before laughing. "Um, nothing," Riley stated before clutching my dress in his hand.

"I know what it is," she glared at the both of us before her eyes locked with mine. "And I just wanted to say, that I think that it is immature and stupid how you two have had sex before marriage."

Riley's eyes narrowed before he stated, "and I think that it's immature and stupid how you have probably done the same thing but you are still here giving us a lecture." Her eyebrows rose and she scoffed before walking off, Riley letting out a chuckle. "Rude ass."

I let out a laugh before following after him, my small hand in his. We stood in the back corner of the room, watching the older couples laugh and smile, but their smile not reaching their eyes. None of them wanted to be here, not with this slow music and boring pace. Riley sighed before bringing the bottle of beer to his lips and taking a swig, his eyes scanning the room until they locked on someone. Someone that looked familiar.

"Shit," he mumbled before his hand fell from mine.

"Riley?" I asked before standing in front of him and cupping his cheeks in my hands. He was unresponsive, his face expressinless. "Riley!"

He snapped out of his thoughts before taking my shoulders in his hands and spinning me around. "See the girl in the red dress?" My eyes scanned the room before they landed on a girl with brunette hair and bright blue eyes. When I nodded, his voice shook. "That's Lindsey."

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