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Tucker had never been in a war, not until Chorus at least. It was hard work really, taking care of lieutenants, making sure everything was in order at the exact time needed. Worst of all.. the fighting. That was what war really was. The blood of your allies, spilling right before your very eyes, so sudden.. so.. brutal. He wants to cry over the loss of his friends, his new family. But he wants to cry even more that he knows he's also taking the same thing away from the enemy. Tucker had finally gotten the jist of it and no one was there to support him. He didn't know what these feelings were, he was depressed, frustrated, he felt anxiety bubbling up inside of him and he didn't know how to deal with this.

Wash however, had witnessed war, he was used to this. He could handle the deaths of many but too much he couldn't handle. Wash wouldn't be able to take the death of one of his very close friends very well. Locus had hurt them enough, so had Felix and he was willing to put an end to this, even if it meant his own life. Wash had already dealt with his one family being ripped apart but if another were to be plucked from his palms, no.. ripped straight from his hands, right from his grip only to be crushed, burned, destroyed in front of him again.

Right now everyone was on one of the public transportation trains, well, the most of them, the reds, blues, freelancers and leaders... and doc. They were heading back to their so called base, they won.. they defeated Hargrove and that would be the end of it. Hopefully. Tucker had felt his best friend die.. he played the message over and over again, the actual last words of Leonard Church. He was really dead this time. He finally stopped the recording and stared forward at absolutely- well, not nothing, he just thought a blank wall was in front of him and he was staring at it, like he were going to turn around and he would be back home. Yes, Home.. this meant Blood Gulch, with his buddies.. Tucker shook his head and looked around for somewhere to sit, someone to sit next to. He spots Wash a few seats down and he walks over to him, sitting beside him. Tucker doesn't mind himself about anything that's going on at the moment. He plops into the seat and sinks into it all the way. Wash looks over and quickly takes notice that he's troubled. The ex-freelancer wraps an arm around him slowly and Tucker leans into the gentle touch, warmed by him he lifts the armrest and shifts closer to his lover.

"Alright.. tell me what's up."

"I absolutely hate this shit.."

"Gotta be more specific."

"I hate losing so many people then killing others. I don't want to do this anymore.. I feel like.. Felix. Like a really bad guy."

"Tucker, when I was on project freelancer, we were tricked into thinking we were the good guys, but the Director forced us to cheat, steal, all of that. I understand you're still getting used to these things but you have to pull through it. I felt exactly the same when I found out about the project. That's when I went rogue for awhile, got caught, arrested, I made a deal with the Director then joined you guys. I have to say, going through all of that. I honestly don't regret it."

"He lied to you? Thats illegal.."

"I'm wanted for it yes and I probably won't be able to go anywhere UNSC property otherwise I'll be locked up and sent back and forth from ship to ship. Might not be able to see you again. Even if we went back to Earth I'd have to change everything."

Wash admitted softly. He tilted his head into his partners head, kissing the back of it, over his hair tie that held his dreadlocks. Tucker closed his eyes after reaching for his hand, he clutched it tightly and huffed once more.

"I'll help you through this alright? If there's ever anything that you need, come to me."

The door slid open that was only a few feet away. Red locks of hair were revealed and a set of emerald green eyes.

Red Vs Blue Angst (Character Ships Only No Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now