Eight: Temptation

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The next day passed by without my employer really talking to me. His royal height-ness strode around the house with his long legs, normally around the kitchen before walking back to his office which made me wonder if he only hired me to stand as his girlfriend and only used the Personal Assistant title as cover.

Andres dropped by in the afternoon and headed towards his office where I guess they talked for more than an hour while I was in my room wondering why he hasn't spoken to me since we got home last night.

He didn't even bid me good night or told me that I did a very good job last night with pretending that it was really our first date. I guess his silence was his way of celebrating our success but hey, he wouldn't succeed without me interfering with his original plan.

There's no I in team but probably there is in his. He must be team timber since I'm sure if he falls unconscious someone would scream. "Timber!"

"Felicity" his voice made me jump and I shot head up.

He stood by my door and I raised my brow at him, wondering why he suddenly shot glare daggers at me.

Then it hit me-the guitar I'm holding is blue.

"What?" I raised my brows at him. "My guitar's blue. So what, you hate it?"

"You play?" he asked and I smirked at his question.

"No" I shook my head a bit and rested my arms on the guitar. "I'm just making sure it looks good on display."

He sighed at my sarcasm and shook his head.

"Glad to know you're interested if I play though" I smiled so sweetly at him before rolling my eyes.

"Who said I was interested?" he furrowed his brows and I sniggered a bit.
"Anyway," he cleared his throat before standing straighter. "I'm going to meet a client and Angelique will be there."

"Oh good" I nodded a bit. He could use her presence to enlighten him and thank me for helping him out with his brother last night. "You can hang out with her then."

I continued tuning my guitar since that was what I was originally doing earlier until he interrupted me just to say that he has a date with an angel.

"I want you to come with me" he said and I looked back at him.

"Oh right" I said and placed the guitar back in its case "Of course you'll need your assistant. That's why you hired me in the first place, anyway."

I stood and opened the walk in closet. I was about to walk in when I noticed him still standing there.

"Is there something I need to bring?" I asked. "Should I match your monochro-"

"You will not match my monochromatic theme" he interjected as his jaw clenched.

He looks so grumpy yet so sexy when he clenches his jaw.

Oh shut up George! He's your employer. Be professional! Stop fantasizing about his jaw!

Okay, okay... I'm not even fantasizing. I wouldn't fantasize about this dude. He just looks so yummy when grumpy. There's nothing wrong with complimenting-right?

"Then what more do I need to do? Do you have any questions, concerns?" I asked.

"I'm quite concerned about your sarcasm and bothersome facial expressions when you're thinking about something I have no idea about, but I don't have any questions."

"Just because you lack expressions doesn't mean you have to be concerned with my abundant supply. So why are you still standing there? I have to get ready, right?"

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