Chapter 3

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My eye flutters up seen white. I was lying softly on white and the sky was an almost white, with a hint of a blue- grey color. I closed my eyes and whisper heaven.

’’What did you say pet?'' A very familiar voice said

''Hey Larry, your daughter woken up!'' Another familiar voice shouted

''What's going on?'' I questioned

''There was an engine problem on the jet due to that nasty snow storm and it went down'' he explains ''Luckily we landed on the snow or more of us could of been killed'' he more muttered to himself than to me. 

''WHAT!?!'' Who is dead?'' I manage to choke out.

''Oh, your father is okay sweetie, It's was my dear friend and a pilot'' she let out a sob and I immediately hugged her.

I felt anger. My good for nothing father should of went down instead of these people. 

Life isn't fair.

''Right, we are in luck the Jet Ski is fine. I'll go get help and bring back food, maybe light a fire, it could take me a few hours.'' The disgusting voice said.

So now all we had to do was wait to be rescued.


Three and a half days later

There was seven people left after the crash. We only had enough food to cover the duration of the flight from England to Alaska. Now most of it was gone just a bit of fruit which was slowly rotting.

 Here's a shocker for y'all my father did not return. 

I never wanted him to return as much as now but he wasn't coming back and I wasn't the only one who notices this; the other did also. They taught he might of crashed but I knew the truth, which was he left us to die so he would get all shares in the business and he would got his wish of not having to look after his ugly was of space of a daughter. 

We all agreed to go on foot. It was our only hope of getting out of here alive.

It was freezing but I did not want to cause the rest of the group to have to stop just because I was getting blisters on my feet. 

We had to be walking for 5 to 6 hours. There was no ending to the snow yet we could now see tree in the far distance. The best decision our group captain, Marko, made was to stop and rest and for us to build a fire with the supplies on the jet that we brought with us. We were sure if we made it to the forest of tree we would find human life.  It was relief for some. I like spending time with these people, they were nice and they treated one another and me like family and I knew I had nothing to go back to.

We were picking up of bags to continues until suddenly huge brownish-red wolves came out of no where, there had to be twenty of them.

''Stay very still and maybe they will leave'' Marko warned


They biggest of the wolves flew straight to Marko and bit into him after that I don't know what happened, blood was everywhere and one by one I seen the rest of the group been killed. It's a scene, for how long my life would be, would never be forgotten. 

I fell on my ass from my legs feeling like jelly. Suddenly the almost human eyes of the biggest wolves’ caught mine. Next thing he was hovering above my small frame and grab my shoulder in his mouth. It hurt but it was bearable. I couldn't understand why he didn't kill me straight of. He was now running the speed of lighting to the ...forest?

My body couldn’t handle it any more so for the second time today I feel into a peaceful slumber.



Hey, what's up with y'all?

Firstly thanks to all my reader's who read this story and them seven votes mean the world to me you guys don't even understand so THANKS again.

Seconds I know the grammar and spelling is awful but I’m not editing until this book is complete. 

Thirdly tell me what you think and do you think I should read more? 

Peace and Love, Pretty Faces.


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