Chapter 8

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I drifted to sleep easily from the long tiring day to be awoken mere minutes later to rouge licking my face. Seen as I was already on the floor I could easily bring his head onto my lap and pet him but strangely he staggered backwards and looked up to the non-touched bed and back to me. Okay, I like to have fantasy, who doesn’t, so when weird things like this happen I do dream about the what ifs. Yet Rogue knocked them dreams aside when he started to bite my Pajamas and almost drag me to the neat untouched bed. 

Maybe he needed to pee and the thoughts on him peeing in here on Jerry’s pure solid wooden floor sent the fear of God running threw me. I pulled down my p.j bottoms to have Rogue cover his eyes with his paws. The cuteness of him was unreal and I really was growing attached to him, how am I ever going to let him go.

Just when I unhitched the window Rogue jumped up and growled.

‘’shhh Rogue you’ll wake up Caitlin!’’ I shivered at the thought.

Yet he growls again much lower but much deeper when I swung one leg over the window ledge.

 I now threw my two arms out waiting for him to come embrace them, so I could lift him out.

‘‘Come here boy, come on, come here rogue’’

He growled but came to me. I put his four legs softly on the ground and close the window till it is almost shut. I think about the way I’m a professional at sneaking out of houses. A phase of depression runs threw me as I think at why I am a pro at it; sneaking out for my prostitute job.

Rogue walks over and back almost trapping me to the house wall. Weird Dog.

‘’Pee already’’ I almost roared at him, come on I was cold. Yet my head spun around to the house next door as I could hear the faint cries of a child. Yet without noticing Rogue is outside her house jumping up and down trying to see in the window, as he whimpers along side her.

I followed him over trying to make little noise on the crunching snow. I grab him and he wiggled out of my arms jumping up and down again trying to see into the window.

‘’Rogue shhh your making probable making her cry’’ His whimper his time was very squeaky yet he didn’t jump again. He ran from me and into the woods at the opposite side off the woods and all I could do was follow.

‘’Rogue where are you?’’ Minutes passed and I couldn’t find him ‘’Rogue?’’ ‘’Rogue?’’

I started to shiver more and more wishing I didn’t leave the house. It wasn’t till I tripped onto my knee from a tree branch that I notice I was deep in the forest with no idea which way was out. I started to run this way and that way with panic, as I felt trapped.

With my nose now running along with my shaken body I hit the ground with something heavy on top of me knocking me out.


Story bud?

That right there was chapter 8. No joke.  LOL


The grammar and spelling hopeful will improve this year. Emphasizes on the hopeful.


Can I say a massive Thank You to my 19 readers that stuck with me! More than likely 5 of them readers were I refreshing the page. LOL

Can I just say I love my bitches Liz and Carrey who inspired me to write this chapter and made me really happy lately!  And guess the name of the girl guys?? heheh

So tell me what you think

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Peace and Love Pretty Faces.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2014 ⏰

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