Chapter 7

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Warning this chapter has very little dialog. It's important and I hope it's not too boring for y'all. 


The night went by quicker than I taught it would. The man, who I found out that name, is Harry, brought me to his warm home. I found out he was married with two pups, as he likes to calls his children and he was 20. I thought this was young but what would I know, I didn't get out much.

His wife, Julie, was beautiful. She had blonde shoulder length hair and she was supermodel tall but she was lovely. I felt she was just trying to suck me in so i built my walls and I showed no fear. I'm sick of people owning me and using me as a rag doll.

They made dinner witch I refuse to eat. Why? I don't want them to have the idea if I eat their food I would have to 'pay' them back. I didn't sleep in their bed either I slept underneath it. 

I was mad at myself for wasting these people time and I knew sooner or later I would get the impact for being a waste of space. 

I woke up at the crack of dawn to an empty living room and kitchen. They were still asleep thankfully. I found some money and I left without a goodbye. 

I walk and walk with that feeling you have when you think someone creepy is following you. I went through the forest as I felt I could meet someone if I took the road. After about 2 hours walk I reached the end off the forest but there was a tall thick stonewall but with cutting and grazing my poor hands I finally manage to get to the other side. There was snow all over the pavement and to my relief there was a bus coming and I hauled it to a stop. 

I didn't know where it was going, I didn't care I knew it had to bring me somewhere.

45 Minutes later

I got off. I was defiantly in a city. This place was huge with 100-story building and little coffee shops around each corner. I felt like I could be anyone I wanted here, start fresh but for some odd reason I felt lonely and I couldn't get Alpha's face out of my head . I wish he was someone else, I wish I didn't meet him like that. 

I'm only going to say this once 

''I want to go back to him'' I whispered to myself

He won't want me or will laugh. He will fuck me, then play with my heart and then he will find his new 'baby' in the space of a day. I must not return.

My thoughts flashed to the poor people that died only yesterday. I still can't get my head around the wolf part. I must go to the police and tell them for the family sake. 

And so I did.

I told them the story. 

''Oh miss I’m awfully sorry about your lose'' I told them my father died also. I didn't want them to get in contact with him so i would have to return to him

''I'll get through it. Daddy's finally with mom now''  

Nomination for best actor goes to me. 

''Hungry seen as your only 17 and under the acts of this country, you will have to be giving for adoption''

Holy shit, I didn't see that one coming.

''N-no i-i em'' I stumble how am I getting out of this one. 

''Do you have any other family you can live with?'' The policewomen inquired


‘‘Oh yes loads, there aunty Mary or and cousin John and you can't forget grandma'' I never talk as fast and squeaky in all my 17 years.

Nomination for worst liar goes to me. 

''Hunny it's going to be okay. Your adoptive parents will be lovely and will treat you like a daughter I promise you.''

7 Hours later

I apparently was so lucky to get such a lovely family to take me in so quickly.

I was now sitting in front of a man and women that I am meant to call mom and dad. 

''Sweetie, we are so happy to have you apart of the Smyth family'' 'Mom' smiles warmly at me

Ugh well hi there I don't want to be here. 

Of course like the little sweetie I am

''Oh I truly thank you but I don't want to be a bother to you''

''Not at all! We always wanted a daughter. Now hunny what would you like to eat''

''Oh whatever is handy for you''

Catlin and Jerry are there names they explained they could never have children. They we're in there middle 60 and they didn't want to adoptive a new born as they were old and wouldn't be around for most of there lives. I trust them. 

Trusting someone is odd for me but I will trust them until they make me feel suspicious of them.

They also got me a cute husky dog. Well actually when I got here it was at there little cottage house and I just presumed they owned it. They said I could keep it if no one claims it. 

I named him rogue. 

Hey guys, what’s buzzing?

This was a filler chapter. Yes I hate them as much as the next person but writers gotta do what a writers gotta do.

If you have any question or just need to chat. 

I love making friends :) 


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My favorite word in the world is ‘y’all’, I am not American but the word for me rocks. What’s yours?

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