Chapter 5

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The Alpha P.O.V

(2 minutes earlier)

God, I had a horrible few day at the midnight pack, there was rogue kidnapping young girls that didn't shift yet. The taught made me sick. We knew we would never see these girl again but we had to prevent more girls from been taken.

What's that god awesome smell! It was like Abercrombie and Fitch perfume but better.

The smell calmed me down and made me relax and thankfully I could smell it the more as I walk into my castle. 

But why?


''HARRY'' I called to see was he about the place.

No answer.

'Harry, where are you?' I ask through our pack mind link.

'I'm in the dungeon fixing a few problems, Alpha'

Harry was my beta and best friend... actually I would call him a brother. We fight, steal each others food and women but we always put each other in fronts of anything nothing could get behind us. Call me gay but I love him. 

I felt my self-going down to the dungeons. I don't know why I just got that urge. Usually I’d go to the fridge and get food when I come home from a long journeys but this time it was annoying me not to go anywhere but the dungeon.

That scent that would make me sniff all day was getting closer. 

Next thing without noticing I was not just running but sprinting.

My eye's flickered to the beautiful disaster in front of me. 

Our princess was being electrocuted by her very own beta.

''TURN IT OFF'' my heart clenches. My whole world was spinning. My wolf was delight he was howling but then he turned completely bipolar he was roaring inside of me to make our mate safe and happy. I didn't hesitate. 

''Get her the fuck down now!'' It killed me to see my mate in pain. It caused me pain to she her beautiful body and face to be in such a state.

As I moved closer to my whole world, my wolf felt like he was bowing towards her.

Harry confused mind let her down. Just before she was about to black out I caught her in my arms. In any other circumstances I would have being embarrassed to be brought to my knee with tears streaming down my face with a women in my hand but no, I was happy she made me feel like this because she official owns my heart and soul.

I could have sat till eternity with her in my arms with the electricity running true me. I could feel her heart beat which me to stop breathing and may I say she was a major turn off, I could of took her there and them but I knew I had to hold back and make it special.

Nothing else matter in the world anymore. Nothing.

I knew mates where meant to have this bond but I was never thinking it was this.

I would protect her.

I would make her happy.

I would provide her with our children

I would make sure she would never have one regret

Because she was mine. 


I carried our princess up the stone stair of the castle, bridal style.  I place her gentle on the master bedroom bed, which was also my bed. Her body was beautiful. Her long dark brown hair that has loose curls at the bottom was shining against the moonlight. Her eyelashes are so beautifully long. Her flawless skin is magnificent. I had to take in every single detail in about her appearance. I couldn't help it. An angel. 

I remove her wet hoody, her arms were bruised... badly. I make mental notes to kill the bastard who laid a finger on her. I couldn't help my self but change her.

I mind link a servant to bring a dress for an angel.

She was here with the dress within minutes and left. 

I removed my unconscious princess, maxi dress and fell on my knee for the second time in an hour. She had cuts, bruises and I seen her flinch when I just brushed my thumb over the marks. My Wolf was in pain and so was I. 

Why didn't I look for her? I could of stop this? I could have protect her. 

I took her soft hand in mine after i cleaned and dress her.

''I Riley Christopher Jackson promise to protect you and never let hurt come upon you again till the day I die

I promise I will go to the ends of the earth to make you happy

I promise you and you only own my heart always

I promise I will love you everyday of my life''

''WHAT THE HELL'' - a voice of an angel.


Hey, what the crack? (Irish Greeting)

I know this story getting like no reads and it's probable not that good but I’m hoping it will get better and the plot will ticking and we can cross our fingers that my grammar MIGHT get better. 

Em yes the chapter so far are short... they will get longer. I just hope you stick with me and keep reading. 

I enjoy writing this story.

Comment and Votes means a lot.

Any questions ... don't be afraid to ask.

What do you think? 

Thanks for reading pretty faces. 



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