Chapter 20: Game On

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Eliza and I walked side by side through the woods. We chatted on and off about random subjects such as my "lack of intelligence" compared to her and funny things like what to eat later on for dinner. It was werid; the normalcy of our conservation was as if it had always been as such. I knew it shouldn't feel this good to have her beside me but... No, I shouldn't linger on the feeling. My best option is to go with the flow and simply enjoy this grace period between us.

"Ya know.. We never did get to the lunch part." Eliza points out. "We got a little distracted if I remember correctly." She says cheekily, giving me a light squeeze. "Kinda worked up an appetite."

I try to resist the tingling sensation down below at the memory but Eliza's making it difficult with that look in her eyes. She also didn't put any effort in dressing herself either. Her shirt is sloppily draped over her chest, easily exposing her.. Dammit man, get a hold of yourself!

Yes." I stutter, clearing my throat and the dirty thoughts. "We should prob'ly change that."

"Oh, maybe gather some of the local acorns and leaves since you've got us lost in the woods?" She mocks me.

"I thought you liked nuts, Eliza. Or is it just a specific kind you enjoy?" I smirk.

With a small gasp, she smacks me on the arm. Her face breaks into a daring smile; both scolding me and finding humor in the sly comment. Eliza's face is red with embarrassment and likeness as she starts to go in a fit of laughter, repeating the joke.

"Touché, Louis." She says between breaths. "Touché."

But all fun put aside, I was actually starving. Eliza and I turned around on the trail and began the trip back to the cottage, staying close by the creek for guidance. I nearly fell in at one point thanks to Eliza's deviant idea to toss me over. Thankfully I caught my balance before any damage could be done. I did however, retaliate by throwing Eliza over my shoulder and threatening to put her in. And it was no easy task either. As I struggled to obtain her, she made every effort to undermine me and break my grasp. She even attempted to knock me in the junk but I thankfully caught her hand before she could. My plan ended up backfiring eventually. She got comfortable and refused to get down. I was her carriage the whole way until we entered the doors and was home again.

"Thanks for the lift, lacky." Eliza snickers, trotting off to the kitchen. I throw her the finger and slump down on the couch, exhausted and hungry. If I had more energy I'd come up with a good comeback but I'll just lay here instead; she is making me lunch after all. There doesn't seem to be a television in this place but oh well; I hardly watch tv nowadays anyway. I'm always too busy with work or Eleanor. The only time I get to turn one on is when I'm video-chatting a company or watching old videos with the twins. I should probably call or visit them at some point now that it's dawned upon me. I could've if we actually went to Doncaster. I wonder if Eliza would want to tag along too. She did adore them; and they loved her. Hell, I'm pretty sure they like her more than Eleanor.

"Bon appetite." Eliza prances in front of me with a plate holding a simple sandwich. "Hope you like it, I put a lot of effort into it."

"Obviously." I roll my eyes. "Ai, whatcha' got there?" When my eyes land on the second plate I feel as though I've been cheated. She had nice array of fruits and some sausages on the side, a slice a bread, and a tall glass of something bubbly to top it off. "Give me some!"

"Didn't I already?" She smirks, giving me a cheeky grin as she wiggles her butt in my face. I give her a nice pop on the bum and she flushes a deep red. "Try to get ahold of yourself, will ya Louis ." I don't even bother with a response to that. I grab Eliza with both of my arms, making her land on my lap. She squirms to break free of my restraints but I pull her tighter against me. I can feel her heart race under her shirt, hear her short breaths as I pur in her ear.

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