Chapter 34: By Your Side

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I stayed at Eliza's side for as long as the doctors would allow. Upon examination, the EMTs came to the conclusion that she lost consciousness due to lack of oxygen from being strangled. There was also obvious trauma to her lower limbs and well... other regions. Using all my strength, I resisted the urge to jump out of the rear of the ambulance and run after that bastard on foot. Left with no form of transportation, I convinced myself I could catch up to Hayden and sniff him out like a hound; however, I knew that was a ridiculous idea. Despite all my anger, I couldn't bare to leave Eliza's side. The guilt was eating me alive; why hadn't I gone after her in the first place! Once she awakens, I'll be sure to never take my eyes off of her again. This will be the second instance I've had to escort Eliza to the ER for something life-threatening. I won't test the hands of fate a third time. To make matters worse, paparazzi swarmed around us like moths to a flame, looking for answers and feeding off the drama. This certainly isn't how I imagined Eliza and I making our first debut. The universe is ruthless, always finding a way to shit on us. My family accompanied me here as well, doing their best to provide some comfort throughout all the chaos. Even though my mum held ill feelings toward Eliza before, all of that hatred soon dissolved into pity after witnessing my distress. Memories of back then made her more sensitive to the situation and reawakened the love she once felt for Eliza. I wish it could've been under different circumstances but at least there's some progress.

As I sit around stirring in my seat, my mind is lost in a whirlwind of emotions pulling me in opposite directions. A part of me knows to stay put, yearning for Eliza's presence and awaiting her recovery, while the other demands to steal away and seek justice for Hayden's malice crime. The conflict was tearing me apart and my spirit was slowing being drained from all the internal commotion. I felt cursed; that maybe my mother's words were right afterall. Was Eliza and I's relationship toxic? Are we doomed to fail and these were the consequences of refusing to let go? I can't help but think there's a correlation between the tragic events that plague our time together. My only wish was to protect her and yet I have repeatedly failed to do the simplest things. I couldn't save Eliza from the abuse of her household and was useless again when she suffered through another attack in mine. All I can do now is wait in this awful lobby until her doctors clear her for visitation.

My mum returns from the cafeteria downstairs, offering me some coffee. "Here, this'll keep you awake. I know you'll be 'ere all night waiting so might want to fuel up on caffeine." I mumble a quick thanks and fall right back into my self-loathing and worry.

"Lou?" I hum in response to my mum. "I just want to apologize- for what I said earlier. I should've given her a chance to explain. I was just so stuck on the past and how you were so devastated-" I can hear the regret in her voice. The shakiness in her speech continues to fumble her words as she tries to continue her apology without choking up.

"Please. I really can't talk about this right now." I appreciate the attempt but it just adds to the sting of it all so I decide to change the subject. "The paparazzi still downstairs?"

"Flooded with 'em." She sighs. "You'd think they take a break, but it's nearly 10 at night and they're still pestering security. Haven't they any damn courtesy or a heart at least. I'm afraid you won't even be able to leave without getting bombarded."

"I figured as much. They're desperate for a new story and with all the drama surrounding us, it's like crack to 'em." Eliza's been raped and all they see is a winning headline for their next article. Scrolling through my phone and timeline, I see it's filled with everyone's crazy assumptions and theories on the matter. Any consideration for Eliza's reputation or career is thrown out the window and replaced with their greed to earn that commission; who knows what this will mean for her gallery. The thought of her fake husband comes to mind and I wonder what his thoughts are. Obviously nothing serious since he hasn't bothered to get in touch with Eliza or make an appearance.

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