Chapter 21: Schemer

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He's done it now. I was in such a good mood until he had to fucking test me. I specifically  told him to not bring that damn girl up on this trip; that was the only rule I had and of course he broke it! Why couldn't he have just cooperated and realized the flaws in his relationship and come to his senses. He's obviously over that little mess and wants me. He wouldn't have even bloody touched me if she's as great as he claims. It's all bullshit; the load, everything. I didn't want to have to do this but my emotions are irate and it was too late to stop myself once I got riled up. I- well, Louis- had sent the message for them to come over. Tension will be high no doubt but Louis needs a little reminder of what I mean to him. And if he's pushed a little bit, it'll trigger things quickly. I needed a back up incase I had to give old Lou a new perspective. Although I knew he had love for me, it would be overshadowed by Eleanor's presence. Now that's she's taken out of the picture, there's no one to distract him from me. The question here now is: what will he do when I'm the one occupied this time?

And I couldn't call just anyone. No! I had to go big, keeping to my reputation. He's naive to just sit out in the living room and not heed my warning; but he'll see. By tonight he'll realize just how quick he could lose me again. I'll recreate his greatest pain, no matter the cost. He needs to remember why he was broken in the first; he needs to remember who held his heart so dear. Maybe then.. Maybe then he'll see that I'm not as pathetically attached to him as I seem. At least, that's the allusion I want to deceive him with. If that doesn't work, then I'll just move on to the next plan as I see fit to do so.

I hopped in the shower since I had time to spare and rinsed the woodsy smell away. I replaced it with the sweet scent of vanilla and proceeded to wash my hair as well, giving me a fresh start for the evening to come. I didn't feel like putting the extensions back in that I'd been wearing so when I got out, I braided my natural hair back for the desired waves I wanted later and dug through my toiletries. It was about that time to take my meds so I followed the prescriptions and took them accordingly. "Shit." My brain scatters as I desperately scrounge around for the leftover pills I clumsily knocked on the floor. "Dammit." I couldn't tell between my damn contraceptive and the aspirin I'd taken to follow up. Not wanting to deal with it, I just tossed it in the container and would figure that out at a later date.

The rest of my routine was simple enough; the only major thing left was preparing my outfit. I needed something casual, yet somewhat sexy and not too out of place. I hadn't seen them in months so a first impression was undoubtedly important. Even if my outfit was more on the promiscuous side, it'd only help with my plan. There was much leeway for this look. I decided on a knit dress I'd gotten from an associate of mine's clothing line that was tolerable. The material was unbelievably comfortable and had the plain appeal I wanted yet still exposing my skin to a tasteful degree. I checked myself in the mirror, glancing over my natural state.

My fingers traced over the freckles forming from over the years, my hidden bags I'd acquired from all the sleepless nights between dealing with Xxavier and work, and finally my lips, who could still taste Louis from this afternoon. Ever since I moved back here a major theme in my life has been my appearance. And even though I wish I could simply not give a damn anymore, I find myself stuck in the same routine of this life of glamour. I long for the day my body finally deteriorates beyond repair. That way, I'd no longer have to pretend to be perfect. I could go back to being invisible and not another jewel for someone's shitty crown of pride. It's tiring, and my self worth depletes the moment I recall just how pathetic my existence is.

I've contemplated multiple times about just ending it all. It could be so easy. With all the mediation I'm on, I could slip into a deep sleep and just wake up in my next life. Hopefully it wouldn't be as gloomy as this one and I'd actually be capable of doing what I want for a change. If I had a hand in the picking, I'd be a bird. Cliche, yes. But if you think about it, is there anything else more without bounds..? I think not.

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