Chapter 19- BeFoUr

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One season later of Mr. Robot and I feel as if I am capable of hacking into peoples accounts and taking down evil government businesses one hack at a time. But I'm going to leave all that to the beautiful Rami Malek instead. It was a beautiful Saturday morning and here I was spending it under pounds of blankets and snotty tissues. Apparently I caught a bad case of mono mixed in with some pneumonia. Well not really, it just sounds that bad to me. My stepmom Ashley looked the slightest concerned and didn't want the blame if I died under her supervision so she actually took me to the hospital. I don't really remember what happened next, I was too drugged up on meds to remember anyways.

So here I was bedridden, having not gone to school in a week. Gosh I cant imagine how many assignments I would have to makeup. Anxiety crept down my spine in cold sweat, making me shudder. And the worst part was no visitors. Something about being contagious but I can assure that I'm not, pretty sure. I shifted uncomfortably in my bed until I found my comfy spot and began watching cast interviews and bloopers, begging to know when season two would premier.

There was an abrupt knock on the door. I sat up annoyingly. "Sonya I'm fine, no need for anything."

Sonya was the new housekeeper. With me on deathbed someone had to watch over the house so Ashley hired Sonya. She usually brings me chicken soup,my meds that kind of stuff. She only came in around once or when I called for her so this was pretty strange. The door swung open and it was definitely not Sonya. The tattooed boy wearing sweats whose hair was partially dyed blue was now turning into a light shade grey stood by the door frame with unreadable expression eyeing me up and down. Finally, he came in and shut the door.

"You look...great." Luke's expression finally broke into playful disgust.

I threw my head back and laughed. It seemed as if I hadn't laughed in ages. I could practically feels the dark circles under my eyes. And my nose resembled Rudolf the red nose rein deer. But I didn't care. Someone actually visited me. I mentally sighed feeling genuinely happy. No one came to visit me until now.

"You don't look bad yourself." My voice came out raspy, as if I just finished smoking a pack.

"Listen," he said coming at the foot of my bed. "I know you must be feeling pretty bummed no one came but they're just paranoid and scared that they might catch your illness. Trust me they all feel bad and they send their love."

"Then why'd you come?" It didn't mean to come off as rude but I was curious.

He looked at me and smiled, "Because I'm brave." Then winked.

Heat immediately flooded my cheeks and I looked away hoping he didn't notice.

"So what are we doing today?" He said shoving me to the side of the bed and plopped down next to me.

"Wait how did you even get in?" I suddenly realized.

He put his arms behind his head and blew a bubble with his gum, taking his time. "Sonya let me in."

There was nothing left to do but sleep but Luke wouldn't let me so I decided to watch Mr. Robot again but with Luke and see what he thought.

"This is my favorite part where Ellio-"

He quickly covered my mouth with his hand for like the tenth time. "Shhhh no spoilers." He hissed his eyes never leaving the TV.

That was how the rest of the day was. Me trying not to freak out and give any spoilers and Luke covering my mouth with his hand for most of the time if I was about to burst.

"So did you like it hmm?" I nudged his arm when the series ended.

"Yea it was really good. But I am never ever ever never ever EVER watching anything with you ever again." He beamed nudging me harder. I smiled pretending it didn't hurt like hell.

I looked down and my eye caught something on his wrist. "Hey whats this?" I said grabbing his wrist to see better. It was a bunch of words tattooed in fancy .

"Oh that's nothing." He said sheepishly snatching his arm out of my grasp.

"Wait, no I wanna see. I promise I wont laugh." I gripped his arm and this time he seemed to let me. . I subconsciously brush my thumb over it trying to read the calligraphy. Buy the ticket, take the ride.

"Buy the ticket, take the ride." I said it out loud. "What does it mean?"

He withdrew his arm slowly caressing the words, as if remembering something. "I dunno really. Its kinda like a mantra for me. Every time I look at it I feel empowered like I can do anything I can set my mind to. Its like Creating, and being involved in, a situation that may get you in way over your head-- but deciding that turning back would be a rather uninteresting option. And honestly that's life. Sometimes you bite off more than you can chew but you have to deal with it cause you can't put it back."

"Wow Luke, that's deep. Didn't know you had it in you?"

He smirked shrugging  his arms. "You know me, I'm just full of surprises."

Suddenly it got quiet and he faced me moving closer until we were a couple of inches apart.

I started to slowly move in closer too. 'What are you doing!'  Yelled the logical side of my brain.

'What about Austin? Don't you like Austin, don't do this!' 

Austin wasn't here spending a whole Saturday with me keeping me company and cheering me up.  Austins not on my bed about to kiss me. I boxed up that annoying voice in my head and threw it as far away in my mind as possible.

I leaned in closer feeling the warmth of his  breathe fan across my face. I couldn't think straight with him being this close. 

And then something happened.

I froze, my eyes widen in mortifying terror.

I could feel the heat rising into my cheeks"Ohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygod!! I'm so sorry!" I yelled as he jumped off the bed knocking a few things off my bedside table.

Apparently a mini tornado of what had seemed to be a cough mixed in with a sneeze was brewing in my abdomen and decided to release its self at a horrible time...all over Luke.

He awkwardly got up grabbing his jacket. His face probably as red as mine "Oh look," he pointed to my window at the now dark sky. "Look at the time, I better get going."

"Luke I'm so sorry-"

"Hey its okay, its totally fine, its nothing I promise. Um I'll see you at school soon okay." He uncomfortably laughed looking anywhere but me and practically ran out.

I laid on the my bed too stunned to get up or run after him. I didn't even know what to say. I just ruined a perfect intimate moment.

I quickly sat up, surprised I didn't get whiplash . I cant believe I almost kissed Luke! I thought in panic now pacing the floor.

Flashes of me inching towards his face came in mind and my face flushed bright pink. My nerves were all over the place and I couldn't think straight. I took a deep breathe and sat down. "It was just in the moment." I reassured myself. I don't like Luke like that I can't.


Just thinking about him made my heart race. And no boy could do that.

Not even Luke.

I thought trying to convince myself. Shortly afterwards I was in a fit of coughing and sneezing and I laid back down in bed a headache growing behind my eyes. Sonya gave me my pills and I took them whole getting it over with.

My vision started to blur which meant the pills were taking its tolls on me. The last thing I saw were the big bright numbers of my clock reading 11:30. Slowly but surely I drifted into the peaceful void forgetting everything that happened as if it were a bad dream.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2016 ⏰

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