Seeing her

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They must have spent a long time wandering the ground. They just kept walking in one direction, adamant that soon they will come across something, anything that resembled civilisation. So far, the closest thing that reminded the Emberites of a community was a broken down car that had been infested with a colony of ants and weeds. But of course, they didn't know what these things were and had begun to try out the ants and weeds for food. To say the least, some of them got very ill. Food had become a massive issue. Obviously, none of them knew how or what to do to find or make food. At least in Ember they could pop down to a shop and there would be some food. However little food there was back underground, it was more than they had to share among the majority of their remaining population above ground. That's why now, in the heat of midday under the Sun rays, (which mystified the Emberites for it's on and off schedule was peculiar) Lina and Doon rush towards a flowing river. Oblivious to the fact the water was coming from a contaminated source due to radiation from nuclear bombs set off over 200 years ago, they drank and drank until they were satisfied. The entire town stopped to find ways of storing this water. It was immensely unfortunate when most of these people got ill. But before they got ill a few days later, Lina spotted her.

"Doon, do you see that?" Lina was looking at the direction of some trees. They were small saplings in comparison to the trees that they had come across upon first arriving out of Ember.

"Lina, are you okay? There's nothing there." Doon looks into her eyes. He's been worried about her. Lina is already really small, hence the nickname Beana. He tries to see if there's sign of illness in her pupils. Something he thinks his dad mentioned once. Lina doesn't make eye contact, instead, she continues to watch the tree line and also thinks she's not okay. But that's when she sees it again. A flicker of movement. A figure jump out from behind the trees. A girl she thinks, though it's unclear because of the shadow that the trees are making on the girl who's quite far into the trees. Doon follows her gaze as Lina's eyes widden with wondrous shock. Doon sees her too. He looks back at Lina, unsure what to do. The curious part of the couple want to go and investigate, they never know, she might just be one of their people. But surely if she was she would want to stay with her family. After all, when her face came into the light, she appeared to be weak and fragile. This aroused concern between Lina and Doon who, after looking at one another and telling Poppy to go back to Mrs Murdo, set off to investigate. But they didn't get far before she looked at them scared and ran off. She clearly didn't want to be found yet so the pair had to go back to bottling water for as many of the Ember citizens as possible.

"Strange her. She wanted to see us all but wouldn't let us talk to her." Lina enquires. Doon looks so solemn.

"I'm more concerned about how she seems to be the only person alive. I'm worried she'll go back to her people and get them to kill us because they might think we want to take away everything that their village has." Lina looks shocked at him.

"That was deep Doon. We'll just have to forget about her and tell your dad and Evaleen for the time being. We probably won't see her again." Doon smiles down at his girlfriend, just happy that she's all right. The people who got ill really didn't look very well at all. He's glad she's fine. For now anyway.

I saw them. I was going to help them. I could have. I really should have. Stupid Tara. Stupid. They're all going to die now. The water's contaminated. They can't survive such a massive uptake of all that water. Oh no. I can see it now. The image of them burying their dead. And I can see that girl and boy. They're looking at me again. I'm going to have to help them and explain myself to them. But no. This depiction of the future clearly shows me running again. I want to lead them. I will. I may not be in my right mind. But I will. Mother used to say how much potential I could have. I will be a leader just like mother. I don't care if she and her town think I'm crazy. I will. She said I could. And I've seen myself with that girl and boy and some adults. I will be one of their governors. I will. Tara always will.

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