The Leaving of Ember

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"Lina!" Doon shouts over the crowd. He sees her familiar brown hair through the mob and heads towards her. But when he reaches her, she is crying slightly. "Lina, are you okay? has something happened?" Doon asks, fear hung upon his face. Sniffing loudly inwards, Lina puts on a brave face.

"Granny won't come with us. I won't ever see her again," Lina breaks down into a mess of tears and sobs again. Poppy, who is holding her elder sister's hand tugs at her sleeve. She then looks at Doon who has moved to Lina's other side and put his arm around her.

"Why Wyna sad?" Poppy asks in her adorable baby voice. Looking at her sister, Lina cheers up and knows she must continue with her life and protect Poppy.

"Come here Popps." Lina hoists Poppy up onto her hip so Doon has to let go of Lina.

"Lets find my dad. We can be family now. You, me, my dad and Poppy." Gently Doon smiles at Lina and takes her sack from her so she can carry Poppy easier.

"Thank you," Lina mouths at him.

"Come on. Let's go and find him," setting off in the direction Doon came from, the 3 youngsters failed to notice the impatient mayor above them on his balcony.

"Citizens of Ember!" He shouts above the crowd who too seem to fail to hear him. After a few more tries, he has their attention.

"I need you all to stand in an orderly line in SILENCE!" His impatience was really showing. The Emberites decided to stand with their families in a line and behind them would be another family. The mayor walked down and in front of the first family who just happened to be in front of Lina, Doon, Loris, Poppy and Lina's old next door neighbour Evaleen Murdo. Doon had said his father and Evaleen had been seeing each other for a few weeks now and as the boats could hold 4 people and Poppy was only a baby really, who would sit on Lina's lap, it seemed fitting for her to join them.

"Lina!" Doon screeches when he sees Lina momentarily look back from the platform. The boat is soon to fall and Doon can't let her not come with him on his boat. Lina easily slips into the boat with a few seconds to spare before tipping time. They go twisting and turning down the river, crossways, sideways, all the while hearing the churning of the water below them. They come to a dock where the family from before them had stowed their boat and already began walking up the steps with the mayor who joined them in their boat as there was space. Hours later, after several stops for food and water and swapping who carries Poppy, a light appears up ahead...

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