Light at the End of the Tunnel

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"Do you see that?" Doon whispers in amazement at Lina.

"Yes! But, what is it though?" She replies. Doon shrugs his shoulders, ignorant to the fact the whole city is behind them, confused to the sudden stop. Slowly and cautiously, they continue walking until outside. They can feel the air on them, see the sun, hear the birds, but have no idea what they are. All the Emberites sit outside, waiting for the others to arrive behind them. Few go on discovery walks, bringing back foods such as apples and cherries. They think they are edible. Amongst the finders are Lina and Doon.

"Are you sure you can handle Poppy?" Lina asks Mrs Murdo.

"Of course! You two go and have fun discovering this place." So as simply as that, Lina and Doon go to find the fruits that they eventually bring back.

"Beana, you know how you said you would go out with me some time, does this count?" Doon sheepishly asks on their way to wherever they are going. He has no idea what does and doesn't. He is clueless to the world of emotions other than anger. The only reason he asked her was because one of his class mates, Chet Noam said Doon should as apparently, he looked at Lina as more than a best friend. He wishes he didn't feel so helpless right then and there.

"Well actually, I spoke to Lizzie and she seems to think that all those times we go to shops and walk around the city just to see each other and talk count as going out. I think she's right as well..." Lina trails off as she looks away from Doon, embarrassed. Doon however, is slightly shocked and somehow happy. Why am I happy he asks himself?

"So does that mean we've always been going out?" He questions her, slightly puzzled. Lina looks at her best friend in the eye and stops walking.

"Yes. I think so," the pair smile at each other.

"So there was really no need to ask you out was there?" Doon says in the silence.

"Well by asking, you made us realise that we were always together. This should take us to the next level if you want to," again, she trails off at the end, unsure how to express herself.

"Lina! Of course I do! I asked you out didn't I? I mean, I didn't realise how much I liked you until Chet said I looked at you as more than and friend then I realised it was true so yes, I would like to take is further if you want to. I will always wait for you of not," Doon says these words from the bottom of his heart where he conjures up all the truth and expression he can to show her how much he truly loves her.

"Yes Doon. You don't have to wait." They had been best friends since nearly forever. They had always looked out for the other when in danger and cared for the other. When one was ill, the other tried to spend every waking moment with them and it has always been like that. So now, outside of Ember in the middle of no where, Lina wraps her arms around Doon's neck as he takes her waist. She goes to hug him only to find Doon's lips on her check, his hand pulling her face to meet his. Longingly looking into one another's eyes, they slowly, cautiously, break unknown territory by kissing softly on the lips.

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