Chapter one ~ The Meeting

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Hermione's POV


I was laying on the couch fiddling with my engagment ring when Ron walked into the living room and kissed me on the forehead. The wedding was scheduled for four weeks' time and I honestly couldn't wait!

The proposal was really romantic and included a trip to the top of the Eiffel Tower, a candle-lit dinner and a tux.

I sat up and he put his arm around me. I snuggled into him for a while before leaving to get dressed. About ten minutes later I walked in wearing a red blouse and black pencil skirt, complete with black pumps. I gave Ron one final kiss before leaving for the ministry.

Traffic was bad and by the time I got there it was eleven already. I rushed into my office, picked up my required papers and folders and waited for Laura.

At one o'clock I was sitting in a little coffee shop in the middle of town with Laura at my side. She was talking rapidly about a variety of things but I just ignored her - I was used to her mumble by now. Instead I sat there reading through the notes in my folder.

Then the hairs on the back of my neck stood on end. I heard a voice that almost spat out his words.


I looked up, I didn't feel the normal feeling with his presence though. In fact I felt the opposite to hatred with him standing there.

"Malfoy.". I responded then, after no answer, I added "the amazing bouncing ferret."

Laura snorted into her coffee and Malfoy gave her a funny look. I had often told Laura stories of our encounters at school, and this one was quite frequent ( not to mention popular!).

"I didn't know you knew each other." She said as Malfoy sat down in front of us. I didn't say anything, nor did he.

"This will make it a whole lot more interesting!"

"Will make what a whole lot more interesting?" I asked nervously.

"Hermione, you will be staying with Mr Malfoy here for a month and writing an article on the real him!"

My coffee almost slipped out of my hands. Malfoy spat out the last mouthful he had just taken. We looked at each other. I found myself gazing into his eyes. They were beautiful - blue with specks of green. I snapped out of it, however, when I heard the scraping of chairs on the floor.

"You will start tomorrow, I have arranged an appartment for the both of you to share and -,"

This time the coffee did slip out of my hands and landed on the table in pieces "What?!" I shouted, a little too loudly.

"You will both be expected there at noon. Good day." and with that she walked off. I glared at Malfoy. He glared back.

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow then... Granger." He smirked then walked away. I hurried after him but turned in the opposite direction when I reached the pavement.

Ron wasn't home when I got back so I just sat there on the couch staring at the blank screen of the television. I couldn't believe I was going to have to live with Draco Malfoy for a whole month.

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