♔ ; author's note

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If you read the summary you would know what I'm going to do with this book. But if you didn't then all I can say is go read it please, it would be a lot better to understand than me explaining it to you personally.

First of all, Character x Character and Character x Readers will be allowed just not Character x OC because I have my reasons and here they are:

✧ Character x OC stories make me uncomfortable as it doesn't feel right picturing the OC and said character to me. It's nothing major, it just makes me uncomfortable.

✧ Probably won't be able to get that character's personality right at all. If I never see them in action then I can't accurately write for them.

✧ OCs being cliche also have an effect on me not writing their pairing. I'm not going to write fluff for a cliche or possibly Mary-Sueish/Gary-Stuish character.

Those were some of the reasons that I won't be writing Character and OC stories but this is a reader insert, so probably you could imagine your OC in that place.

I don't do three ways (Character x Character/Reader x Character) or any of the elder characters (like Gunter and probably Shura for the most part). Because if I do write the elder characters it would be very uncomfortable for me.

Lemons are an absolute no for this story even for some of the more perverse characters (like Niles). I haven't gotten up to the point where I can flawlessly or do an alright job at writing smut. I have nothing against smut in stories, I actually enjoy reading it to an extent. There will be limes for those characters but with a warning.

If you want to request a yaoi or yuri pairing like Niles/M!Avatar or Azura/F!Avatar for example. It's totally allowed. Totally. Do it.

I will do mostly AUs for this book because the gods know I cannot write the actual setting of the game (unless it's the astral plane, Nohr or Hoshido and not a time of war. I don't know? Battle fields aren't my thing when it comes to writing).

More to be added, probably!!

Even though send in requests, maybe?

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