♛ ; ballroom stride | leo/fem!reader

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It was the fourth eldest son's coronation today; albeit Camilla was supposed to be to next in line as she didn't feel like she could handle the job so in return, she passed the job onto your caring husband. It was something definitely to be proud of but also very excruciatingly nervous of at the same time and the after party (or ball in this case) couldn't be any better. It really couldn't be.

Men and women flitted around the ball room; the coats and skirts of their suits and dresses following in pursuit of the host wearing the heavenly and finely crafted clothing. While you, (Y/N), were basically clinging onto the wall. Saying 'no' to each man who wanted to dance with you, for you were too busy to care as you were trying to keep track of Leo, whom was currently talking with the banshees or noble women to everyone else.

Their never ending screeching, or laughter to some reached your ears from the wall you were huddled against for safety. And that was some ways away. 

Your [E/C] eyes were narrowed into a hollow stare filled with disgusting jealousy; a feeling you began to bond with at this very moment. Most of the banshees noticed the hollow stare from the envious married woman and scampered off, their heels tapping against the ivory floor. Well, that got rid of some of them but not all of them, much to your fairly obvious dismay.

For a split second, you saw your husband's slightly uncomfortable gaze which made you snap out of your jealous mood and straighten your posture at the simple gesture. This was the time to intrude in their conversation and be the Nohrian queen you were supposed to be. His gaze returned to the shorter women, slightly comfortable than before as he saw you noticed his silent call for help

A hum escaped your lips as you made your way to the crowd, avoiding the dancing couples with grace only a queen like you should have. Your gloved hands gripped tightly onto the front of your silk ball gown and your matching heels clicked on the floor with precision. It was a surprise you weren't tripping, the only reason you clung to the wall was because you couldn't walk in such heels. But here you were striding with them on like it was nothing; like you were almost born to do. Your [long/short] hair tried to followed your elegant movements, begging for you to slow down but you wouldn't listen to their plead.

With a sharp turn, you positioned yourself beside your beloved. The skirt of your ball gown finally getting a chance to catch it's breath from the rapid turn. With a mocking smile and a chuckle, you began speak, "If you haven't noticed already...your making the king uncomfortable, so if you please..." Before you could complete the sentence they seem to understand and their group of banshees dissipates trying to find the person they came with, leaving you and your husband behind in their nonexistent dust.

With that your thin arms wrapped around her husband's resting your head against his clothed arm. Your [E/C] hues closed with contempt and the mocking smile replaced with one of happiness. "I noticed your envy," He chuckled, a teasing smirk painting his thin, yet soft lips. "Oh really. How?" You replied. "The some of the women -- or 'banshees' you like to call them -- started to flaunt away, profusely saying goodbye." "Oh. Too bad." 

Leo let out a chuckle at your short response and began to lead you away from the overcrowded ball room. The clicks of your dress shoes and heels syncing together as you both made your way to your shared private quarters for a sleep of tranquility.

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