★ ; dancing with the devil | xander/f!reader

686 17 1

'1, 2, 3...'

'1, 2, 3...'

The numbers repeated in your head repeatedly as you fumbled around on the wooden floor. You waltzed around on the ballroom floor, your hands on your husband's broad shoulders and his secured around your waist.

A ball was only a few days away and you only got to practicing now. If you couldn't learn the simple waltz in a few measly days then you were truly doomed since it was only natural that those of royalty knew their way around the dance floor.

A small chuckle emitted from your husband as he noticed your obvious nervousness and your stumbling. In response to his motives you looked up at him with you bottom lip jutted out in a childish pout. With calming words of reassurance that resonated from his vocal cords your pout deflated and a gentle pink blush spread across your cheeks.

Damn him and his heavenly voice along with his stupid god-like smile that made your resolve crumble.

The tall blond continued smiling down at your blushing form while you avoided his crimson gaze. Xander skillfully lead you across the dance floor, his digits intertwining with yours while you moved (almost) effortlessly across the polished floors with him.

The tapping of dress shoes filled the wide room along with the soft violin playing delicately in the background. Along with small interceptions from your loving husband saying that you're doing fine each time you nervously ask him about your dancing.

It was alright - and normal - for you to ask about how you were doing. I mean you did accidentally step on the man's foot twice already. And Naga knows that you don't want that to incident happen again.

"You're doing much better than I expected."

"What is that supposed to mean?!"

Yet again, he responded with another chuckle at your childish anger and responded with a soft 'no' to reassure you once again. The music that filled the room stopped and so did you and your lover. Xander pecked your forehead softly and roamed his gloved digits through your tangly [H/C] hair successfully getting rid of the small knots in his path. His other hand grasped your wrist while the other left your now not-tangly-hair and led you out of the vicinity.

You could have sworn the polished floors of the ballroom, that were glistening with the heavenly halo of the sun, winked at you and your husband as you two left.

[A/N] Okay. Sorry for not updating in a long while but school got in the way (and I also restarted my Conquest route) and it took awhile for me to come up with an idea for this.

[A/N] I was on the verge of tears (or it was my eyes watering because of the lack of blinking) while writing this because tHIS FUCKING HIGH CROWNED PRINCE OF NOHR IS SO DAMN BEAUTIFUL. Also, feel free to send in requests!

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