❁ ; shocking | pokemon au | odin/reader

465 11 4

[A/N] Requested a few days ago as an Odin x f!Reader (I changed it to gender neutral because I don't really use pronouns in this one), but I didn't have an idea for Odin. So, Pokemon AU because I recently got into Pokemon X (again) and I recently restarted Alpha Sapphire. This fanfiction is purely platonic and isn't suppose to have romantic intentions at all (only slightly). I also didn't type out the battle due to the fact that I didn't want to risk getting anything wrong.

Italics are thoughts.

✧ ✧ ✧

Trudging through the tall grass which was itching at your legs and the repel your put on earlier was starting to wear off and fast with all the running. You had no intentions of fighting anymore wild Pokemon today, you had enough of their damn antics. For Anakos/Naga's sake your team was worn down to the bone because of these guys! 

The current objective that was circling your thoughts was getting to the Fourth Gym Leader, Leo. You heard that the man used Psychic types while his siblings used other types. Xander focused on Dragon types, Camilla focused on Dark types, Corrin focused on Steel types, and Elise focused on the Fairy types. Although, there wasn't just the Gym Leaders that you had to worry about. You also had to worry about the tag-along trainers that fought with the Gym Leader but not alongside them. Only something you could find in the Nohr and Hoshido regions.

Groaning you made your way to your destination, small scratches decorated the bottom of your legs from where the claws of a few Zigzagoon flitted through the tall grass and hit your limbs in the process. Your stash of repels were gone; that meant after the encounter with the Gym Leader and his retainers, you would have to stop at the PokeMart for more supplies and that means more valuable Pokedollars down the drain. The town of Windmire was desolate and dull but the bright orange roof of the Pokemon Center stood out like a sore thumb. A place to heal finally, your thoughts sang with joy as you stumbled into the warmth of the building. Walking up to the nurse you announce that you're healing your Pokemon and she gratefully takes them for a few seconds. You hear the cheerful chime which confirmed your Pokemon were all healed up. After the second long beat the nurse gave you your companions back.

Your form met the slightly chilly Nohrian air once again as you exited through the doors. Walking towards the Psychic type Gym that also stood out like a sore thumb because of it's eccentric purple exterior. Heaving a groan, you stepped inside the lavish Gym. One step and chandeliers hanging above were aflame with a lavender hue which showed the fallen shelves that were used as stairs to lead to what you would guess the retainers for this Gym. Behind the strongly built men there was a section that had a button which you would guess: that it opened up the polished spruce wood double doors that was in the middle between the two (devilishly handsome) men.

You could have sworn you heard the blond one yelling about a new challenger while the snow white haired man replied to his friend with "obviously" and a lopsided smirk. That man probably wanted to battle you to experience your disappointment in losing. You decided to save him for last as he would most likely be the strongest of the two. You heard rumors about these specific retainers' type choices which was fantastic as the typing wasn't reveled outside the Gym. Blondie uses Electric types and Prince Charming over there uses Dark, I think.

You walked over to the blond which wore what could possibly be a pale yellow and black skin tight suit with a giant gap so his abs were on display for all to marvel at. "Ah! I see you approach Odin Dark first. What is thy name of the young trainer?" "[Y/N]," You replied dully. Odin's theatrical approach on his speech already made you want to get this battle over and done with so you didn't have to hear a peep out of him anymore. His facade didn't seem to falter at your monotone voice and your emotionless visage. With a large grin and a sharp intake of breath he announced:

"Dark Mage Odin wishes to battle!"

Que the extreme battle music (which you still don't know how it's here; last time you checked this Gym most likely doesn't have a sound system.) The mystical Odin let's loose one out of his three Electric Pokemon, signalling that it's time for the battle to begin!

✧ It's time to skip the time! ✧

The battle was over and you most likely didn't have to hear a single word out of this man again unless by your own will you talked to him. Having one Ground type on your team with at least one or two Ground type moves on it didn't help with the battle at all. In the end you ended up winning anyways, defeating the Electric beasts that were Odin's Pokemon.

"You did good young trainer! Though I must admit your strategy most definitely rough around the edges!" You responded with a shrug of your shoulders, facing the door way of the Gym. You needed to heal up your Pokemon once again and you didn't want to use any of your potions. Odin seemed to shift in his spot uncomfortable with the awkward silence. His pale hand reached up scratching at the column of his neck. "I see you must want to leave this Gym and heal your comrades, correct?" You silently nod. "May I escort thy winner out?" You considered this before you answered the Dark Mage. Taking an inhale of the dusty air you reply with a simple "no" before you left the area.

Cackles of the Dark type retainer filled the room as soon as you left while his friend stood there in small disbelief. Only blinking once in awhile. You flat out rejected him in the most monotonous way possible, how cold of you.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2016 ⏰

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