~Chapter 15~ Art twins

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Okay, so I'm not really feeling this book anymore, so I'm gonna try and get on with the story :)

Jessica's POV

I don't know how long I've been up here. The boys were calling my name. They even went pass my tree at least 20 times. But I didn't want to come down. I didn't want to see there faces. I didn't want to go through the awakwardness again.

Soon I fell asleep. I could hear somebody calling my name. A strong pair of arms picking me up and carrying me to safety. I could tell by the scent that it was Niall. I was so cold that I didn't even fight it, I just curled up as close as I could next to him and kept my eyes closed


When I woke up and looked around I was in my room. I got up, combed my hair and went back to bed and closed my eyes. There was no use in going to sleep because I couldn't.

"Should we wake her up?" Somebody says

"I don't know" Another person says

This went on for about 5 minutes, finally I gave up and opened my door.

"Excuse me but if you were trying to wake me up, you did." I said to Niall and Louis and closed my door. It probably sounded a little rude though. I went over to my window and climbed out. There is a balcony thats there that I don't think anybody knows about. I go there to think about stuff and enjoy the fresh air.

"Thought I'd find you here." An Irish voice says

"How did you know?" I say without looking at him.

"Your not the only one with a balcony here." He says and joins me.

We sit in a confortable silence.

"I wanna show you something." He says and grabs my hand. He leads me to his room. Then he goes into his closet.

"You wanted to show me your clothes?" I said

"No. Theres a secretplace here." He says. Then he moves a picture of him and the boys from the wall and there is a key pad. 1 3 5 9. he typed. Then part of his closet wall moved.

And revealed another room.But it was filled with Art.

"Wow. you did this?" I say amazed

"Yeah. I keep it a secret because Zayn is soppose to be the artist." He says kind of nervous.

"Well, I don't like these." I say. His face turns to a frown.

"I LOVE these." I say. Then his face brightens. I take a look around at his art and he explains some of them.

"So why me?" I ask

"Because, I was looking through your artbook and I found something in there." He says walking over to a curtain.

"And that was?" I say a little anoyyed that he was snooping through my stuff and I found something that we both had in common

"This." He says and pulls a curtain to reveal a peice of art that I thought only I had.

My Locket.

"I saw it in my dreams. Everytime I go to bed, I dream of this. I started drawing what I saw in my dreams" He says

I grabed my locket to make sure it was still there.

"Were like Art Twins!" He says. Then he notices my face. Probably filled with confusiuon and disbelief

"Whats wrong?" He says

"You said you had it in a dream?" I ask and he nods

"Was there anybody else with you?" I ask

"Well, there was this really weird girl with light up hands that kept telling me to touch her. Then Harry and this other boy told me not to. Usually I wake up. But last night I didn't" He says

"What do you mean?"

"Well, this time it continued. She touched me on my shoulder and when I woke up, the exact spot she touched was burning. I looked at it and it was a tattoo." He says and pulls up the sleevbe of his shirt.

"I don't see anything." I say

"No, you gotta touch right here." He says and points to the spot. I look at him crazy but his eyes are telling me the truth.

I gently brush my fingers across the spot and then it shows. Like a person with a paint brush painted on his skin and dissapeared.

"Freaky right?" He says

"No. This is freaky." I say and show him my locket. His eyes go wide.

"I think it's time you and Louis had a talk." I mumble so he doesn't hear me.

After a few moments of silence Niall speaks up.

"Well, I was thinking. Only me and you know about this place, so I was thinking this could be like our place." He says

"Sure." I say

More on teusday. Maybe earlier if you guys give me some more ideas. I tried to make it a litle longer so...

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