~Chapter 5~ Our worlds collide

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Jessica's POV

I didn't know where I was going. I just wanted out of there. I know for sure that I'm going to crash at the nearest hotel.

"Schneider" I tell the person behind the desk

"Room 501 second floor." She says in a bored voice and hands me my card key.

I get into the elevator with 2 people. They both look very familiar. But I drop it. When I reach the second floor All 3 of us get off. They are going the way I'm going and it's creeping me out. So I go into the bathroom and wait a few minutes.

I wonder what my dad is doing right now. I think. Did he read the note? I hope he did.

I walk out of the bathroom and look around. Nobody's there.

498, 499, 500, 501. I think to myself. I unlock the door and put my stuff on the floor. But this place seems taken. Like somebody is in here. There are clothes everywhere paper here and there. The wii is on.

"Hello?" I say

Somebody walks out of one of the rooms and sees me.


"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" We scream at the same time.

"Who are you?" He says

"Who are you?" I ask

"You seriously don't know me."

"Uh. No  I don't" I say in an annoyed voice.

"I'm Louis the tommo Tomlinson!" He says and stands in a super man pose.

Strike 1

"I'm Jessica." I say "Why are you in my room?"

"Why are you- wait whats your name?

Strike 2

"Jessica. Now answer my question." I say

"Wait. Are you. Jessica Schneider?"

Strike 3

"I'll tell you once you answer my question." I say

"This is my room."

"Well, it's mine to." I say

"Louis what the hell is-" Somebody says and opens the door.

"Jess?" I turn around and see Zayn

Your Out!

"What the Hell?" Liam comes and when he sees me his eyes go wide.

"You know what, I'll just go get another room." I say and push Liam and Zayn out of my way.

I have to admit, it was nice to see them again but I know what there gonna want to do. They are going to try and adopt me again. I can tell there following me so I go into the bathroom. AKA My official hideout.

Louis' POV

"Harry open the door or I'm going to break it down." I say. I'm trying to get him to eat. Usually he comes down late at night to eat but he hasn't in the last few days.

"I'll be out in a minute I promise." He says. I really don't believe him but I'll give him a few minutes.

Wow. Jessicia. It's been a while. She has red velvet hair. But she still Has Harry's Dimples.

"She ran into the girls bathroom. Zayn says he has a plan to get her back here." Liam says running into the room out of breath.

"Should we tell Harry?" I ask

"Yes." He says

"I'll be back." I say

Somehow I know this could either make or break him.

Jessica's POV

I don't know how long I have been hiding in the bathroom but I decide that it's time to come out. I slowly open the door and look both ways before going into the hall.

"Where do you think your going?" Somebody says. I look around the hallway but no ones there. So I keep walking.

"Not so fast." Some body says and picks me up and throws me over his shoulder.

"Let me dowm!" I shout and punch and kick.


"What do you want from me." I say

" It's not want I want. It's what Harry wants." He says.

"Zayn. Put we the fuck down or I swaer on all of your hair gel This hallway will be filled with your blood." I say in the most serious voice. You can tell hes freaked out but he soon forms a smirk on his lips.

"What ever you say." He saysa nd throws me into a room and locks it.

"HELP ZAYN PLEASE!" I shout. Not because I want to get away. It's because I'm claustrophobic. I keep banging on the door but I soon go weak. The last thing I hear is people screaming my name and the thud of my head hitting the floor before I let the black dots take over my vision.

THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You guys really though I was going to leave you hanging huh. I would never do that. I will post another chapter either tonight or tomorrow :)

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