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Hello and welcome to another of my wickedly woven worlds. This is what you need to know:

- It was a CampNaNoWriMo project and shared a cabin with these remarkable Wattpadders: @linahanson, @SallyMason1, @winterstar, @LeighWStuart, @mnjgreenhill, @GoldenSongbird,and shalonsims. See, friends you make on Wattpad aren't just for Christmas :-).

- It's not the sequel to my Wattpad featured novel"The Cultivated Girl". That is still a heady potion currently under brew that you will love all the more for the wait (promise).

- This novel, "As Yet Unknown" is a dystopian science fiction that is new adult with, I must confess the occasional smattering of violence, shamanic activity and there may even be a s-e-x scene! Hell, my leading lady is a warrior!

-  It is set in the year 2986 when most of the planet has been destroyed and the remaining population lives in glass domes in Asiatorea (geographically today's New Zealand) called The Lotus Cities. Humanity is a blend of Asian and Maori descent and speak a dialect called TeJapCan.

- Ping is our hard nosed unlikely heroine, a high-ranking, upper class Nori, fanatically loyal to the system.

What to expect:

I was posting a chapter a week from the 1st April and waiting with bated breathe and chewed fingers to see what you think. It was a wild ride - I loved the feedback but I am currently trying to finish a PhD. As soon as that is submitted Ping will be back. Angry. Ready to go!


Golly, forgot the usual disclaimers: copyright to moi. Don't copy, pretend it's yours or try other devious, underhanded type tricks. Else I'll send Ping after you. and you don't want that, not with that hardware she's packing.

And of course, if the stars are aligned in such a way that you feel inclined - vote, comment, share with all your friends. Wattpad has handy little buttons to make this easy in today's connected world.

As Yet Unknown (#Wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now