Chapter 3- Scar and Pink!!!

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"What is that?!?!"

I turn around and look at what Annabel was looking at. About 50 feet away, under a tree, are two big eggs. One egg is a pretty lavender with beige stripes. The other is a beautiful baby blue with teal stripes. I furrow my eyebrows and slowly start to walk up to them, keeping Annabel close behind me. Right when we reach them, the eggs start shaking. I stand in an attack stance. All of a sudden, both of the eggs crack and out pop cats. Not just any cats, cats that look like Happy and Carla, but different colors and eyes.

I furrow my eyebrows standing normally. I walk up to the cats and kneel down, "Hello. My name is Kathryn."

The baby blue boy cat looks up at me, "Hello, Kathryn....."

The other cat who has light brown fur and red eyes looks up at me, "Hello!!!"

I smile softly, "What are your names?" The two look at each other, then back at me, "Uhhh...." The baby blue cat sighs, "We don't have names yet. We were just born, like, 1 minute ago."

I chuckles, "Well, then we'll give you names." I look at the blue one and think, "How about we name you Scar and...." I examine the beige cat, "You can be Pink! How are those names?"

The two think until they both nod. Annabel squeals, "YOU CAN BE OUR KITTIES!!!! WE CAN BE BESTIES!!!"

I sigh and shake my head, "Whatever......I know what!!! Lets go into town and get you two some clothes!! Then, we can show you two FairyTail!!!"

Scar furrows his eyebrows, "FairyTail? Ok....."

Pink giggles and jumps around, "Clothes!! Clothes!! Clothes!!"

I smile and nod my head , "Lets get goin'! There are two others at the guild like you two. The white cat is named Carla and the blue one is named Happy. Now, a warning, if a pink haired man comes up to you, find me. Don't talk to him! Just find me. Same with a raven haired guy who likes to strip. I need to talk to them...."

The two nod. Scar smiles at me and crawls on top of me to sit on my shoulder. Pink sits on my other shoulder. I smile and stand up, grabbing Annabel's hand. We then start walking to town.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip -At The Town-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

We walk through the town, looking for the clothing store. We have been talking and laughing the whole walk. I look to my left and see the store, "Oh look! We're here!" We walk in and start looking. Then, Pink and Scar both run up to me with an outfit in hand.

I pay for the clothes and they put them on in the bathrooms. We then leave and head for FairyTail.

As we enter the guild, all eyes go on us. I wave at them, "Hello, everybody. We're back! And we have cats." I point to Scar, "That's Scar." Then I point to Pink, "And that is pink! We just found them a few minutes ago."

Natsu and Gray storm up to me and in unison say, "YOU CHEATED!! I WASN'T DONE WITH YOU YET!!"

I knock them both on the head, "Oh trust me, you both were out cold!"

Natsu and I butt heads. Natsu growls, "I WAS NOT!!"

I chuckle and push into him, "YOU WERE TOO!!"

Natsu pushes into me, "I WAS NOT!!"

Gray slowly backs away. Lucy, Erza, Levy, Annabel, Wendy, Juvia, Carla, Pink, and Mira stand in a line watching us two. Mira giggles, "They SO like each other...."

Erza chuckles, "Uh-huh." Lucy, Levy, and Annabel all nod and sweat-drop.

Natsu and I are still at it.



I push into him more, "I WILL ROAST YOU, FIRE PRINCESS!"

Natsu chuckles, "IN YOUR DREAMS, HOLLOW HEAD!"

After a few more minutes of yelling at each other, Erza pulls us apart, hitting Natsu on the head. I cross my arms over my chest and scoff, "Whatever...." I walk over to where the other girls are with Erza following. When I arrive, all of them give me the same creepy look, even Annabel and Pink. Scar ran off with PantherLily. Probably already fighting.

I sit down and raise my eyebrow, "What's wrong?" I look at them all and scoot away a bit.

Mira puts her chin on her hand, "Soooo have you ever thought about dating somebody? When was the last time you dated somebody? Do you have a crush?"

I hold my hands up, "Woooah there, tiger. One, not really. I haven't dated in a while. Two, probably......Eh, that question doesn't matter. Three, I haven't thought about it." They all look at each other then huddle up, leaving me by myself.

----In The Huddle----

Mira: "OMG! Did you hear that? It could happen!"
Erza: "What if they're in love and they don't know it?"
Lucy: "We need to make a plan to get them together!"
Levy: "They would be so cute!"
Carla: "Hm.....They would be a very interesting.
Annabel: "Mommy hasn't been with somebody in SO long! This would be cool!"
Wendy: "I say we have a sleepover and try to get them together!"
Mira: "Yes! Everybody meet at my place and we will get the plan together! Annabel you can bring her over!"
Annabel: "Ok!"
Everybody: "Perfect!"
----They all un-huddle----

I raise my eyebrow at them, "Whaaaaaat?!?!"

Mira smiles, "We were thinking about having a sleepover at my house tonight! You should come!"

I shrug, "Alright whatever. When do you want me there?"

Mira smiles bigger, "Ummmm....How about at 8 O'Clock?"

I nod, "Sure! Sounds great!"

Annabel smiles, "Mommy and I are going to go explore!"

I shrug, "Bye guys!" They all say bye as we leave. I look down at Annabel, "Do you want to stay with Wendy for the night? Us older girls might bore you." Annabel smiles and nods.

Pink smiles at us, "I'll stay with Annabel! Scar can stay with us, too! By the way....Where is Scar?"

I shrug and sigh, "Who knows?"

Then, Scar flies on to my shoulder, "Hello, ladies."
I smile, "Hey Scar."
Annabel smiles, "Guess what, Scar?!?! You, me, and Pink are staying the night with Wendy and Carla! Isn't that fun?"

Scar looks at me with a look that says, 'Really....' I shrug and smile apologetically. Scar sighs, "Sounds fun."

I smile and ruffle the fur on his head.

I then sigh, "Well, we only have a couple of hours until the sleepover, so, let's just roam around until the time comes. Sound good?"

The others nod, "Sounds good!"


A/N: Sorry for the short chapter! I ran out of ideas! The next will be better!

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