Chapter 2- Kathryn VS. Natsu and Gray!!!

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"Y-You'd like to join FairyTail?!?!?!?! Ohh my! That would be wonderful!" Makarov says, squealing like a crazy fangirl.

Annabel gasps, "Really?!?! Oh my gosh, thank you so much!!!" She squeals as she hugs me and jumps up and down. I sigh and look around at all the people with surprised and jaw-dropped looks. I nod, "I was hoping to actually get the feeling of a family for once...." I quietly saw so only Makarov could hear. He nods with a smile, "Well, go over to Mira and she will give you your guild mark!"

I look around for this "Mira" girl. Her name is really pretty. I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn a bit to see a girl with white hair, "Hello! I'm Mira-Jane! It's a pleasure to meet you! Where would you like your guild mark?"

I look down at Annabel, "Annabel. Mira is going to give you your guild mark. Where and what color do you want it?" I kneel down to Annabel so I can look straight into her beautiful, lavender eyes. She smiles and giggles.

"I want mine wherever yours is, mommy! The color, however, I want to be lavender!" I smile at her answer and kiss her forehead. At Annabel calling me, 'Mommy' most of the guild say 'Awwwww...' and some of the boys groan. I stand back up, look at Mira, and say, "I guess we'll both have them on our stomachs. Annabel wants lavender, but I don't care what color mine is."

Mira smiles, "Ok! Here! To make yours easier, why don't we just make it so that it'll change to your soul color! That would be easy!" She pulls out a tool that looks like a stamp and waits for Annabel and I to remove our cloaks. Annabel goes first. She takes off her cloak and raises her shirt a TINY bit so that Mira can place the mark on her stomach. There's a small stamping sound and then, when Mira takes off the tool, the mark glows a bit, then shows. Annabel lowers her shirt and then hugs Mira, "Thanks, Mira!!!!" Mira smiles and hugs her back, saying, "No problem, sweetie!"

Mira then stands up and turns to me. I take off my cloak and slowly lift my shirt to show my toned stomach. Some of the boys get hearts in their eyes. I ignore them while Mira places the stamp on my stomach. I feel a small pinch as she takes it off. I look down at it and see it transferring colors. I raise an eyebrow as I look at the final color. The guild mark is an ombre with red at the top that goes into black. It's actually really beautiful. I smile, "I love it. Thank you, Mira." Mira smiles and nods, "No problem, Kathryn!"

I smile and grab Annabel's hand as I look around. I see Natsu and Gray butting heads, yelling things like, "You're such an idiot!" and "Why do you have to be so stupid!?!?" I furrow my eyebrows and walk upto them, letting go of Annabel's hand.

I stand there with my arms crossed over my chest, "If you two don't stop, I'll make you both hold hands all day!" I yell. They both stop and look at me with confused looks. Natsu stands in front of me, about 1 foot taller than me, "Why should we listen to you?!?!" The whole guild goes silent to hear my answer.

I smirk and look straight into his eyes, "Because I'm not scared of you and WILL beat both of your asses at the same time." Everybody's jaws drop at the same time, even Makarov's and Erza's.

Lucy squeals, "WHAT ARE YOU THINKING?!?! ARE YOU CRAZY?!?!" Annabel giggles and runs up behind me, "GO MOMMY GO!!!"

Natsu growls, "Prove it, Princess!! I challenge you to a fight!!! Lets go outside!!!" Gray nods, "I'm with him!!"

Master sweatdrops, "Uhhh....Natsu, Gray....That's not a very good idea." He then sees the determined look on all three of our faces and sighs, "Kathryn, don't hurt them too bad!"

I shrug and start walking outside, "I won't, Master. You don't have to worry." I walk outside followed by Annabel, Natsu, and Gray.-+The rest of the guild.

Everybody in the guild stands and watches as we go into fighting stances. Annabel stands beside Erza with a big smile. She looks up at Erza, "Mommy has pretty magic!!! She sing pretty and make pretty colors!!!" Erza smiles at the little girl and ruffles her hair, "I bet she does."

I smirk and get in my fighting stance, looking at Natsu and Gray, "You boys ready?" I snap my fingers and get ready for my first spell. Natsu chuckles, "I'm all fired up now!"

I wait for them to attack first. Natsu starts running at me, "FIRE DRAGON; IRON FIST!!!!" Gray attacks at the same time Natsu does, "ICE MAKE; HAMMER!!"

I take the blow. The crows gasps when they see a glowing dome around me. I smirk and make the globe disappear. I smirk and grab my key, "OPEN! GATE OF THE SHADOW FALCON! MIDNIGHT!!"

Then, a huge falcon made from shadow shows up, "What would you like me to do, your majesty?" I smirk and point to Gray, "Take care of him for me, please." The falcon bows, "Yes, my Queen." He then appears behind Gray and they start fighting. I look to my left to see Natsu loading up his next attack.

I close my eyes, "HEAVENS ABOVE! I ASK YOU TO GIVE ME THE VOICE OF THE ANGELS!!" Then, a light circle glows around me. I open my mouth, and in an angelic voice, I say, "ANGEL BLAST!!"

I light beam flashes out of my body and hits Natsu directly in the chest. He flies backwards and lands hard on the ground. After a few minutes, he stands back up, shaking. I sigh, "Still haven't had enough? Oh well.....Good thing that was my weakest attack...." I glance over at Gray and my falcon to see Gray was already on the ground. My shadow falcon walks over, "Sorry, your majesty, but I have to leave. I need to meet with the council. Good day and I wish you the best of luck." He disappears just as Gray also stands up shakily. I sigh and shrug, "Just tell me when you've had enough and I'll stop."

Natsu looks up, "I'll never give up." Gray chuckles and also looks up, "Me neither." The both get into a fighting stance and attack at the same time again. Natsu growls, "FIRE DRAGON; WING ATTACK!" Gray smirks, "ICE MAKE; SPIKES!"

They hit and I stumble back a bit, but then stand up straight, "Hm....You two have quit a bit of power.....But I have more." I smirk and place my hands sort of like how Gray has his hands for his magic, "SHADOW MAGIC; DARKNESS ATTACK!" A shadow creeps towards Natsu and Gray and covers them both head to toe. I can hear their screams. The guild gasps and whisper to eachother. I sigh after 30 seconds and wave my hands, "Shadow remove." The shadow leaves. Natsu and Gray fall to the ground and quiver in pain. I slowly walk up to their bodies and crouch down. I put my hands over Natsu and close my eyes, healing him. I heal Gray next. Then, I stand and turn towards where everybody was standing, jaw-dropped. I sigh, "They'll be awake in about 5 minutes. Glad to have given you the show, but Annabel and I need to get going and find somewhere to live. It was nice meeting you all!" I walk over to Annabel who is holding a big grin, 'My cute little Annabel.'

I grab her hand and pull her along, "Come on, darling." She waves bye to the guild. I smile down at her and glance behind my shoulder to see Erza and Makarov talking while the guild goes back inside. Natsu's eyes are just then flickering open as Gray slowly sits up.

I smile and use my magic to teleport Annabel and I into the woods.

I sigh and looks around, "Now, where do you think the house should be?"

Annabel looks around and then points to an area, "Right there! So the little pond can be in our backyard!"

I smile and ruffle her hair, "What a perfect idea!" I then get to work with my magic, "NATURE DRAGON; BUILD; HOUSE!" Then, the forest around us start to form into a beautiful house. ((The picture))

I finish the house in close to 15 minutes. Annabel squeals, "It's so pretty!!!!! You're the best, mommy!!! I love you!!" She hugs me and I laugh a bit, hugging her back.

I sigh, "I love you too, darling." I smile and she pulls away from me, staring at something behind me.

"What is that?!?!"

Ashes to Ashes ((FairyTail x OC))Where stories live. Discover now