Introduction to Drake

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Okay so I don't really know how this works or if I'm doing this right lol. This is my first time trying to attempt at writing a story, especially on here. But anyways, this is a fan fiction about Ariana Grande.. Hope you guys like it.

"I wish it was YOU that died INSTEAD!" My moms harsh words started swiveling around through my head as I processed what she had meant. She had meant my older sister, who was murdered by her so called boyfriend when I was only 3 years old. She could never get over it and always blamed me as if I were the one that killed her. I felt as if a knife went right through my heart as the words entered my ear. It hit me like a a ton of bricks because I could have done something to prevent my sister's death. I was flushed with anger, rage, and sorrow all at once. "FINE WHY DON'T I JUST DISAPPEAR FROM YOUR LIFE INSTEAD, I'LL ALSO TAKE PROOF WITH ME SINCE IM BASICALLY HIS FATHER" My 10 year old body said as I stormed to my room packing my things. This was the last conversation I've had with my mother. I shook those thoughts away as I was looking at a blank piece of paper. I always wrote my thoughts down. No not like a diary.. Well now that I think about it. But it was different. Every thought I wrote down rhymed with the previous sentence.. Like a poem. I wrote down all the raps that I've written in this scraggly, almost torn in half notebook. I've took it everywhere I went and all the places I had to be. The times where I didn't have a place to stay and had to lay on an outside park bench in the rain, using my shirt or sometimes if i had to, my notebook, to protect my little brother from the downpour. Or the other times where it was completely windy, and the breeze would ruffle my sheets of notebook paper as I tried to snuggle my little brother to keep warm. But I had a place now. I didn't have to worry about protecting proof, my little brother, from any harm. Because now I had people, a family to protect US. I laughed as I had remembered my little brothers name. He was only 8 when I took him with me to run away from my house. I knew I could never leave him with my mom. She never even acknowledged Proof as a person, let alone her nephew. Especially after what she's put me through, I knew it was necessary to take Proof with me. I named him Proof, because I promised myself that I would do anything and everything to prove to him that i'd be the best big brother ever. I was only 4 at the time that I named him, so you cant blame me for the name. I laughed to myself. I looked around at my surroundings. The house was like a mansion. Four dining room tables and chandeliers all around the room with all the possible expensive nick knacks and decorations you could think of. But other people also filled up this home. My people. My younger brother. And my gang. I'm not the leader.. Not yet, I argued with myself. The leader of the gang is Tony. He's tall, dark brown eyes, like the color of poop, and a buzz cut with a design on the side of his head that symbolizes his gang. He's extremely buff, especially for a sixteen year old. Unlike me, I'm only 14. Scrawny as can be, due to the malnutrition and lack of sleep I've been through most of my life. I was short for a boy, 5'7 to be exact. I had a buzz cut as well but no design and I wore baggy clothes, hand me down from a tall dark man from the gang, to hide my scrawniness. I was tan also, but it was natural considering I'm Puerto Rican and Jamaican. I look mostly Puerto Rican though. In fact, I was the only Puerto Rican one in the gang, because the gang was all Mexican. They had a little "territory" as they refer it too, in California. I was so proud of my ethnicity that I got a tattoo, being naive and all, of the words "Bori Bori" across my fingers. It is a short reference for the word "Boricua" which is what Puerto Ricans are often referred to. I slowly got lost into my thoughts as I looked at my hands. I was suddenly snapped out of them by loud screaming

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