Thanking Drake

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(A/N: okay so I wasn't going to go further with this story because I didn't see much potential In it. But I got a couple more votes and reads so I decided why not see where it takes me (:)

I couldn't stop thinking about her.. Ariana. Ever her name was beautiful. I can't believe I ran into her again. But I don't think ill ever see her again after what happened last night. I wanted so much to explain better and make her feel more safe, but I myself couldn't even grasp what I was doing. All I knew was that I wanted to get her away from those guys. I wanted so much to hear her angelic voice again. I sighed as I put my head in my hands.


The door rang, which was weird because I'm the only one in the house and the guys always have their key to get in. I hesitated. Maybe it was a trick, one of Tony's "targets" trying to get back at him. The doorbell rang again. Well why the hell not, I thought to myself. I opened the door as my went into total shock to who was at the doorsteps.

Ariana's POV:

I knew what I had to do, what part of the dream had meant, and why I needed to do it immediately. I needed to see Drake, and thank him.

"Mom I'm going to borrow the car ok?" I yelled across the room to my mother.

I recently just got my drivers license and my moms still getting used to the idea of me being on the road.

"Where are you going?" She asked.

"Oh just to my friends house" I lied.

She gave me a mini stare down before saying anything else. She sighed and said, "okay honey but be careful. And call me when you get there!"

"Thanks mom! love you!!" I said as I hugged her tightly. I walked out the house and started the car. I drove out of my neighborhood going my way to Drake's house. It's not that far from mine and the only reason I remembered is because Drake walked me out to the front of the house and I caught the house number on the side of the door.The street was surprisingly familiar too, so I knew just where to go. I pulled into Drake's driveway praying to god those guys weren't there. I knew I was taking a huge risk but I just had to see him. I needed to thank him but at the same time I just really wanted to see him. "No no no, stahp stahp stahp" I said to myself. I sighed as I rang the doorbell. It took a while, and me being really impatient to see him, I rung it repeatedly. The door opened slowly as I saw Drake staring at me with his big blue eyes right in front of me. Gosh those eyes. I could just swim in them. He started looking at me strangely. Shit I must of been looking at him weird.

"Ummm" I said, "I uh, just um, came here to thank you. You know for what happened last night and everything. I realized I was really quiet and I, I didn't apolo-" he cut me off

"Ari" he laughed. His smile caused my heart to completely stop. It was too beautiful, if a laugh could even possess physical traits, it would be because of him. I laughed back.

"It's okay" he said smiling, "but what are you doing here? Like how did you find my house? And do you know how much shit you'd be in if those guys were here? They could be here any minute Ari."

It took a while for these questions to sink in, I was too busy just gazing at him. I realized my state of mind immediately and shook my thoughts away.

"Yes I know I know. But I just felt extremely guilty. This situation could have gone a completely different way if you hadn't come in. I remembered the house number when you brought me out to your car and I just drove on instincts. I just had to see you sorry." I said this all kind of fast but slow enough for him to understand. A smile formed across his face. I swear his eyes were dancing right at this moment.

"Ari it's okay, I would do anything for you" he said. Those words, I don't if they're the reason my heart stopped or why I can't seem to breathe properly, but either way i loved the feeling. I didn't know how to reply without sounding like I was driving on rocks. "Come on" he said, "let me take you somewhere." I smiled at the idea. He's really something different and I can't explain it. "Okay" I said smiling. He grabbed my hand and led me to his car. He opened the passenger door for me and then walked over to the drivers side and started the car. I smiled at his "gentleman-ness" and stared at him. I realized why I really wanted to see him. "Drake" I said " i have to tell you something."

"What is it Ari?" he said softly making me blush for no reason in particular. Suddenly confused by his expression I looked back to seeing those guys walking our way.

"SHIT" he said, "get down, get down." I slid down to the bottom of seat knowing from the beginning this was going to end badly.

"AYE VATO WATCHU DOIN" I heard Tony say. I looked up at him as he started fiddling with his words. "Aye idiot what's the matter spending too much time in your diary you forgot how to speak? Open the side door I need you to take me somewhere" Tony said.

Tony opened the passenger door.....

(A/N: cliff hanger :D I thought it would add the suspense. Anyways hope you guys liked the chapter ill update tomorrow. Vote, comment, share, but most of all enjoy!!)

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