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Strength by Whispers
It wasn't ever my selfish place,
To keep you here on this face -
Of such a gorgeous Earth.
When we laid you in the dirt.
But, as the flowers were lay,
I was reminded of the rain -
As it caressed my somber face.
Burying, away with you, my faith.
It wasn't ever my choice,
But who was I, a girl, to voice -
Against an all-powerful pull?
I forgot, I was the mortal fool.
You taught me an honest truth,
Values of my finite youth -
What I was capable to do.
How to honest, how to be true.
Without your wisdom and guidance,
How could I ever do this?
I've lost the taught persistence.
Replaced by an insolent petulance.
You can't see me continue to grow.
How was i, a simple girl, to know?
You've turned a spring rain to snow.
Too strong inside to let it show.
You taught me grace and poise,
The right, proper, sort of noise.
To express all of these feelings.
You were always so encouraging.
Who's going to do that now?
Keep my feet on the ground?
Who's going to hold me together?
You know it's a fruitless endeavor.
I wasn't ready to say goodbye.
I wasn't ready for you to close your eyes.
I wasn't ready to tell these lies.
But, I'll give you a reason..
I'll fill your heart with pride.
I'll stand tall and unwavering.
I'll not succumb to the suffering.
I'll manage a smile during it all.
Because, you taught me to be strong.
Plagiarism is a Crime.

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