The Rain

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The Rain by Whispers
What can you do when, I ask you;
Your world is steadily falling apart?
When all your hopes, you've hidden,
As well as these dreams turn to dark?
When the shadows are pulling closer,
Growing larger than they may seem?
And, as your eyes begin to close,
You weep because you, silly little you,
Can't even begin to find a new dream?

Lost to my ears, maybe to my soul,
Are those words that you spoke.
Carried along with the secrets tolls,
Which, at one time, our lips told.
While deep inside of our minds,
It was we who had begun to die?
Except when I looked up to the sky,
I saw reflected back to me those ties,
Speckles of starlight - like your eyes.

What can you do when your heart's -
Gone and lost it's truth and it's trust?
When a fight is what you say was a start,
And your yelling; words you've discussed?
When you're alone in these same shambles,
These dreadfully over-crowded rooms?
And nothing you say to the heavens above,
No matter how loud you plead for love,
Can break these chains of mistrust?

I suppose, if the rain can come to me,
I can let it wash away these impurities.
Close my eyes, wash away these chains.
Set me free, release me of mortal pains.
Under the shower that tethers from the sky,
I can be free of these burdens and fly.
And if the rain can chase away your memory,
I know I'll find a way to carry through eternity.
Plagiarism is a crime.

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