Chapter 46// Honeymoon

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"It was a tragic event, truly. I'd just had our daughter, Emilia, hours before he died. He'd chosen to stay longer than the rest of our group of friends because something in his mind told him something bad was going to happen, and soon. At 10:30, he left, kissing both Emilia and I on the head. He got in his Aston Martin and he drove away, the next thing I knew, he was dead. My brother Josh had to tell me the news the next morning and I could barely breath. It was so hard on us all, his American friends, their parents, his parents, his British friends... Me... He wrote me a letter before he died... It said a lot about me moving on if he were to leave Emilia and I, so I did. And I knew he would approve. So now, after a few years of recovery and many dates, I am officially changing my name to Mrs. Minter. The wedding happened months ago, and I legally changed Emilia's name the other day. I decided to make this video, however, when a lot of my friends were tweeting out pictures of the wedding and you were all confused. Yes, Simon and I are married now. And yes, we are happy. But I'll never love anyone as much as I loved my Vikram. It's time to move on, guys. I hope you can follow me through this." Alice spoke into the camera, a few tears falling from her eyes as she spoke.

The pictures from the wedding had been all over the Internet. People were confused or happy, they were sad or mad... It went either way. Not many were particularly so mad they could post hate, the were just asking her why she didn't tell them.

Alice hadn't told the fans because she didn't want them to think she was 'cheating' or otherwise 'happy that Vik was dead'. She wasn't doing or expressing either. She was moving on.

She asked Emilia for consent, and she agreed hands down. There was no fuss or yelling. Alice expected that, because she never knew her father, but she knew her Simon. And she loved her Simon just like he was her father.

Now she found herself in Hawaii, on a honeymoon her and her husband couldn't take until the perfect moment when Josh could take care of Emilia. Which just so happened to be over Simon's birthday. September 7th, and it was still warm in the states.

"Alice?" Simon's accent was thick, compared to the Americans who had been talking all around her.

"Out here, Monè." Alice was staring at the sunset, thinking about Emilia.

"Hi." Simon wrapped his arms around her stomach, resting his head on her shoulder.

"Hi." She replied, resting her head against his.

"What're you looking at?"

"Isn't it beautiful?"


"The sunset..."

"You're beautiful." He kissed the skin behind her ear.

"Thanks. I guess you're okay too." She laughed, turning towards her husband.

"I knew we'd end up together, Alice. It was horrible, the way we got here but we did. And I wanna thank you for that. I love you."

"I love you, too... Monè? Do you think things would be different if I'd just chosen you the day I got here? Do you think Vik would still be alive?"

"Ali, nothing can change the past, you said it yourself, we have to move-"

"I-I know... Just-just... Do you think it would be different?"

"Maybe, but you never know. Destiny made it this way and now we have to live in this world it created." Simon wrapped his arms around her waist.

"I hate destiny, then." Alice placed her arms around his neck.

"Destiny brought you to Josh and you to me?" He laughed, looking into her brown eyes.

Content, Alice leaned in and kissed the boy, smiling. "I love you so much, so much."

"Not as much as you loved Vikram."


"I said that we should go down to the beach, and watch the sunset there."

"Okay." Alice agreed, kissing Simon once more on the cheek.

Simon made his way back inside the huge hotel room, slipping on his flip flops and grabbing his vlogging camera.

"Alright so, Alice and I are headed down to the beach to watch the sunset! C'mon, Alice!" Simon reached out his hand for hers and she took it. "It's not as beautiful as you though."

"What is?"

"The sunset."

"Oh my god... He made this joke earlier and honestly it's not funny." Alice laughed as he began to pull her out of the hotel room and into the hallway.

"Shut up Alice, it was funny." He rolled his eyes. Alice rolled her eyes and punched her husband in the arm.

"Rude, much? You just told your wife to shut up! Why did I marry you."

"Because you love me."


"C'mon! We're gonna miss the sunset!" He let go of her hand and bolted towards the elevator.

"Okay, jeez!" Alice started running, as to catch up with Simon.

He turned the camera back off, rejoining their hands. "Sorry for making you run."

"It's fine, I need to run anyway."

"Okay, then tomorrow morning we'll go for a run!" Simon smiled down at her, laughing.

"Seems legit." She smiled, wrapping her arm around his waist. He put his arm over her shoulders in return.

"By the way, I wasn't lying."

"Lying about what?"

"How beautiful you are." He looked down at her, his beautiful blue eyes gleaming in the bright orange sun that was still peaking though the windows.

"I know." She giggled.

"I know you know." He smiled halfastly before kissing her, slowly pushing her up against the window as the kiss got more heated.

"Simon, not now..." Alice pushed back, having to force herself to not kiss him again.

"Fine. Let's go see this sunset."


They continued to walk to the end of the hall, leaving through the doors onto the beach.

The sun had gone down hours ago, and they still sat on the beach... They spent the time talking about the Sidemen and Emilia, and how happy they were. It was a breath of fresh air for Alice, she'd needed this.

"Congratulations, Alice Emily. I'll see you in heaven."

Not Even Once//PT2 of Just Once SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now