Chapter 6

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Trish's POV:

"Hey Trish!" Dez yelled, bursting into the Practice Room.

"Hi weirdo." I spat back, rolling my eyes.

"Want to build a fort with me?" Dez asked, out of the blue...

"Dez... Forts are for 10 year olds..." I complained, going back to rolling out my sleeping bag...

"Pleeeeeeaaaaaasssssseeeeeeeee?" He whined.

"NO! If you ask again, I'll make your death look like an accident..." I yelled back at him. Dang, he gets on my nerves sometimes...

He gave me a scared look before grabbing some blankets and pillows to build a fort...

"Hey... Where's Austin and Ally? Normally they'd be back by now..." I asked, turning to Dez...

"Oh! Austin and Ally went outside to talk about something...." Dez mumbled, picking up a pillow to place inside his massive fort...

"Hey Trish...?" He asked. I noticed the nervousness in his voice...

"Yes?" I asked, seeming to calm down a bit.

"I um... need some advice..." He said, looking at his shoes.

"Okay... What do you need help with?"

"There's um... Someone I like, and I'm not sure if they like me back... I want to tell them, but I don't want to get rejected..." Dez mumbled, his cheeks turning red...

"O-Okay... Well, practice on me." I simply said, walking up to him.

He gulped... Why was he so nervous? "I um... I've liked you for some time now... and um.... I was wondering if you'd go out with me?"

"Sure Dez, I'd love to go out with you." I replied. I never thought I'd hear those words come out of my mouth...

His face suddenly lit up, and he did his little happy dance...

"Now, that wasn't so hard was it? I think you're ready to ask her out now..." I said.

"Oh, but I just asked her out!" He exclaimed, looking at me expectantly...

"What! There's no way you could have asked her ou-" I was cut off by something warm and soft being pressed to my lips...

It took me a full three seconds to realize Dez was kissing me. I have no clue why I did this, but I start ed kissing back.... Why were fireworks going off in my mind? I wasn't supposed to like Dez! I thought to myself silently as I continued to participate in this mini make-out session...

Finally, we pulled back, out of breath...

"Wait...." I started to trail off...

"What?" Dez asked, completely confused...

"If we're boyfriend and girlfriend...." I continued to trail off...

How are we going to tell Austin and Ally? What does this mean? Will this relationship go any farther?

All these questions were jumbled in my head as I stared at the red-head in front of me.

"Dez, how are we going to tell them?" I asked worriedly.

"I don't know..... We'll figure something out..." He mumbled in reply.

"Okay... Let's go to sleep and we'll think about it in the morning..." I replied drowsily. I was really tired from all that happened tonight...

I trudged over to the door, shutting the light off.

I walked back over to my sleeping bag, climbing into it... I could feel something next to me... What?

I turned onto my side, feeling around to try and figure out what this thing next to me was... I felt a pair of lips and giggled. It was just Dez.

He let out a soft chuckle, pulling be closer to him... I loved being in his arms...

I smiled to myself, sunggling deeper into his chest. This was paradise...


Austin's POV:

I looked down at the beautiful girl before me, sleeping soundly. She's so adorable when she sleeps! I wish we could stay like this forever... Everything was better when we were together....

I saw her beginning to stir, trying to snuggle deeper into me... If that was possible... She continued to mumble and say random things, still being mostly asleep...

Me being the idiot I am, lightly shook her awake...

She nearly rolled off the bed, hitting the hard carpet beneath us...

"S-Sorry...." I mumbled, blushing...

She slowly got up, glaring at me as she went to sit back down. "What time is it?" She asked curiously.

I looked down at my watch, "3:54".

She let out a small groan, laying her head back on my chest...

"What do you wanna do..?" She asked, lazily...

"Ally.... It's 3:00 in the morning... What are we going to do in here?" I asked.

She let out a sigh... "All I know is that I'm not going to go back to sleep for a while..." She grumbled in reply.

I chuckled, wrapping an arm around her... "Well... We could go back to Sonic Boom and bug Dez and Trish..." I smirked.

"Austin. It's early in the morning, they're probably sleeping." Ally turned to look at me.

"That's the whole point of bugging them! Come on, let's go!" I said, dragging Ally towards the window.

She rolled her eyes at me and reluctantly opened the window, climbing outside.

I followed closely behind, making sure to keep up with her...

We finally reached Sonic Boom, opening the doors and heading inside the cool and air conditioned store...

I nearly yanked Ally's arm off, pulling her upstairs.

She gave me a quizzical look, before banging on the door.


Author's Note:

OMG! School starts tomorrow! Wish me luck! If I don't make it out alive, I wanted to let you guys know I love you...

I have an idea for another part of this chapter, but that'd make it realllyyyy longggggg and that'd just be a tragedy for me to have more than 2 pages on one chapter... JK, I'm just too lazy to write it all down right now '-'

Sooooo.... Yeahhhhhh (:

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About 2 of the votes this book has are mine, so I really feel embarassed -.-

ANYWAYYSSS.... Spread the word about this book to your friends.... Share it on Twitter, FaceBook, MySpace, email, anywhere you can...

If you're taking the time to read this... THANK YOU AND YOU ARE MY NEW BEST FRIEND :D

Okay, well, that's it for now... '-'

TTFN, ta ta for now!


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