Ok,so it's been a while since we've uploaded so forgive us!And i'm not actually with Bailey right now so bare with me!(: -Kierston
One day,Quan was sitting in his little box,eating an old muffin he found in someone's garbage can.It had blueberries in it!Well,atleast he thought they were blueberries...
Anyways,he was really bored and couldn't decided what to do today.
"What am I going to do?I already had my annual shave-once-a-year yesterday!And LouLou is off collecting cans.."
He sighed but then had an idea.He would go on a walk through the park!Yes,that was a great idea.So Quan got out of his two-story box and headed towards the park.Once he got there,he walked along the pond.
Suddenly,his eyes lit up as he saw some ducks approaching him.He quickly ran after them,enjoying the sound of their alarmed quacks as he tried to tackle one of them.
"Maybe I can fry one up for LouLou and me's supper!"
His mouth was watering just thinking about it.He continued to chase the ducks until he spotted more ducks on the other side of the pond.But they weren't just sitting peacefully on the ground.He saw that they were also being chased by someone....or something.
The man had a head which was a turd,a godzilla body which was very hairy,and big eyes with razor sharp teeth.But he looked innocent enough and as soon as their eyes met,they knew what they needed to do.
They both went after the same duck and after tackling it to the ground and choking it,they smiled at eachother.
"Would you like to come to my wife and me's home?We would like you to have supper with us."
The turd smiled and nodded. "I would like that alot.I like food....my name Poopzilla."
The scraggly hobo smiled. "My name is Quan."
Once they got to Quan's house,he looked at Poopzilla nervously.He didn't want him to think he was poor.Of course,Quan had no problem with his home and thought it was beautiful.But other people didn't seem to like it that much.Sometimes they kicked it and then Quan would have to bite them...
Back to the present! Poopzilla had his mouth wide open. "You're house is COOL!"
Quan smiled proudly. "Thank you hairy friend.Do come in."
Poopzilla and Quan walked inside the two-story box.LouLou was sitting in the corner,getting out a pan to cook supper in.
Quan smi;led and kissed LouLou on the cheek.She smelled like tuna...his favorite.
"LouLou,this is Poopzilla,my new friend.We killed a duck that we will be having for supper tonight together!"
She smiled. "That's wonderful.I'm glad you made new friends Quan.:
She got out a little heater that they used,put the duck on the pan after cleaning it,and held it over the heater.That's how they cooked thier food and it tasted quite delicious to them.
After they ate,Poopzilla left but not before telling Quan they would hang out again.They were friends now,and maybe even partners in crime.As for the ducks....no real ducks were harmed(: