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Hey ya'll. So I recently finished reading The Lunar Chronicles and I got this idea from PrincessSelene04

So this story is dedicated to her XD

Cinder's POV

My eyes flew open as another torturous day started. My name is Cinder and I live in an orphange.

You see when I was young, my parents died in a car crash that almost took my life as well. I was in a coma for most of my life and I recently woke up from it. I'm eight years old and have been in the orphanage for almost a week and I already knew that my life would suck.

Firstly, no one liked me. They all called me "zombie" because I woke from a coma.

I spent most of my time in my room reading or fixing things.

Broken toys, different wires, etcetra.

I don't know why but doing this calms me.

Anyway back to today.

I woke up earlier than everyone again.

I took advantage and had my breakfast before anyone could steal whatever amount of food I had saved from last night.

I was done by the time everyone woke up and that was when I got called.

"Cinder, guess what? You're being adopted today."Our "den mother", as she likes to refer to herself as, called.  She faked her excitement. I felt like I had a superpower. I could always tell when someone was lying. (OUAT Anyone?)

Also there was a guy behind her.

"This is Linh Garren and he wants you as part of his family!"

I gave a small smile towards him.

"He has already filled up the paerwork. All that's left is for you to pack your things and off you go," she continued smiling.

"Uh okay," I replied in a very soft voice.

I went up to my room and saw my roomates giving me death stares.

I quickly got my stuff which was not much, just a bunch of tools and clothes, and made my way down.

On my way to my new home, Linh Garren was talking about his family.

He and his wife, Adri were from Beijing but moved to America when he recieved a promotion in his job.

Here they have two daughters, Pearl amd Peony who were around my age.

Once I stepped out of the car, I looked up to see a small house.

"Honey! Girls! Come meet the newest member of our family!" He yelled.

Two girls came rushing out followed by their mother.

The elder of the two girls and their mom had a similar expression. They looked disgusted at the sight of me.

The youngest, however, had a huge grin and she ran up to me.

"Hi! I'm Peony! What's your name?" She seemed bubbly.

"Her name is Linh Cinder," Garren said.

"Cinder? That's a weird name. But I like it." She said.

I though to myself that I might belong here. At least two people seemed to like me which is two more than I was used to.

This would be better than the orphanage.

Little did I know...

Okay so this is just to prologue.

All rights go to marissameyer22 for creating this amazing series

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