Chapter 2

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Hi! I know I have not been working on this story much but I'm gonna try and change that :D

Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters

Cinder's POV

It was six in the morning, which meant, get breakfast ready for Peony, Adri and Pearl.

Oh not to forget, today's my first day in highschool. 

My step siblings wake up at seven- thirty and school starts at nine.

I know that waking up at six is a little too early, but it's the only time when I get the whole house to myself. I head down to the kitchen and as soon as I enter, a figure comes behind me.

"Good! You're finally awake! I've been waiting for some tea all morning!" Adri was sitting by the dinning table. She looked sleep deprived.

"Sorry Adri. I'm on it." I said and went to boil some water.

"Child, I must warn you about today. It's your first day in school so do not and I mean do not  humiliate me or your step- sisters," she spat at me.

"Uh yes Ma'am," I replied quietly.

"Good! By the way, I shall be having breakfast at my friend's place so you only need to make my tea for now," she said and headed back to her room.

"By the way, I shall be having breakfast at my friend's place so you only need to make my tea for now!"I mimicked her in an annoying tone.

I know it's childish, but I would like to feel like a child every once in a while.

After making Adri her tea and bringing it up to her room, I went and took a shower and got my bag and clothes out for the day. By the time I was done, Pearl and Peony were already up, which meant I had roughly fifteen minutes to get breakfast ready.

I went back to the kitchen and switched on the stove. I fried some turkey bacon and  heated some baked beans. I worked on some scrambled eggs and put slices of bread in the toaster. 

Just then, Peony walked in.

"Hey Cinder! Need a hand? Wow breakfast smells delicious, I'll go set up the table." She said.

"Just set a table for two. I only made enough for you and Pearl. Your mom won't be joining us today." I told her.

Peony frowned.

"What about you Cinder?" She asked.

"I'm fine. I'll go fix up my breakfast now. Just call Pearl and I'll set the tables," I smiled.

She nodded and went to call Pearl. 

Meanwhile, I placed to food on the table and went to the kitchen to see what I could have for food. I was going to eat cereal, when a crash was heard upstairs.

"Cinder! Come here immediately and clean this mess!" I could hear Pearl yell.

After cleaning the spilled eggs and beans, I heard a knock on the door.

"Iko! " 

"Hey! We better get going.  It's a long walk to the bus stop." She said

"Okay, just let me grab an apple or something." I said.

Once I was out, we made our way to the bus stop an were in Luna High in no time.

I made my way to the principal's office.

The principal, Ms Levana, was a whole new type of evil. 

When I reached the door to her office, a kid was just leaving it and I'm pretty sure he was crying.

I shakily opened the door.

"Ahh you must be our new student," she said.

I nod.

"Well class has just started, what are you doing here?" She asked, annoyed.

"Um I don't have my schedule or locker." I said. I was not gonna let her get the better of me.

"Here! Now get to class!" She yelled, passing me my schedule and locker number.

Taken aback, I shakily made my way out of her office.

As soon as I got out, I bumped into someone, dropping my schedule.

"I'm so sorry!" I said and bent down to pick up the piece of paper.

"It's fin- Cinder?" That voice...

I looked up and smiled.

"Kai! Hey!" I said.

"I didn't know you went here," he said.

"Oh it's my first day in an actual school."


I nod.

"Kaito!" I looked behind him and saw an old man walk up to Kai.

"Torin I'm sorry I was on my way out but I got a bit distracted," Kai said.

"Out? But school just started," I wondered.

"Kaito's father is not doing well. He must go home immediately," Torin informed.

"Okay, I'll see you around some time then?" I asked.

"Definately!" Kai smiled.

"By the way, I've fixed your phone, so you can come by to my shop anytime you can," I whispered in his ears.

He nodded and left.

Haha this chapter sucks. Sorry hahaha but at least it's an update which I'm trying to do more of now so YAYYYYYY XD

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